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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 03월 18일)

by 브래드조 2023. 3. 18.

오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[Putin arrest warrant: Biden welcomes ICC's war crimes charges][푸틴 체포 영장 : Biden, ICC의 전쟁 범죄 혐의 환영]The International Criminal Court accuses the Russian leader of unlawfully deporting Ukrainian children.국제형사재판소는 러시아 지도자가 우크라이나 어린이들을 불법적으로 추방했다고 비난했습니다.



Putin arrest warrant: Biden welcomes ICC's war crimes charges

The International Criminal Court accuses the Russian leader of unlawfully deporting Ukrainian children.



[Can Vladimir Putin actually be arrested?][블라디미르 푸틴이 실제로 체포될 수 있을까?]BBC correspondents Anna Holligan and Steve Rosenberg on the difficulties of detaining a president.BBC 특파원 안나 홀리건과 스티브 로젠버그가 대통령 구금의 어려움에 대해 이야기합니다.



Watch: Can Putin actually be arrested?

BBC correspondents Anna Holligan and Steve Rosenberg on the difficulties of detaining a president.



[Attack heroes on Queen's final bravery awards list][여왕의 최종 용기상 목록에 있는 공격 영웅]Five of the civilian commendations go to men who confronted the London Bridge attacker in 2019.민간인 표창 중 5개는 2019년 런던 브리지 공격에 맞선 남성들에게 돌아갑니다.



Attack heroes on Queen's final bravery awards list

Five of the civilian commendations go to men who confronted the London Bridge attacker in 2019.



[Fraud victim gets surprise £153,000 refund despite rules][사기 피해자, 규칙에도 불구하고 놀랍게도 £153,000 환불]A victim who was targeted and groomed by criminals, was helped by Radio 4's Money Box programme.범죄자의 표적이 되고 손질을 받은 피해자는 라디오 4의 저금통 프로그램의 도움을 받았습니다.



Fraud victim gets surprise £153,000 refund despite rules

A victim who was targeted and groomed by criminals, was helped by Radio 4's Money Box programme.



[Free childcare: Is Jeremy Hunt's Budget promise feasible?][무료 보육: Jeremy Hunt의 예산 약속이 실현 가능한가?]The government announced an expansion of free childcare in the Budget - but will it actually work?정부가 예산안에서 무상보육 확대를 발표했는데 과연 효과가 있을까?



Free childcare: Is Jeremy Hunt's Budget promise feasible?

The government announced an expansion of free childcare in the Budget - but will it actually work?



[Italy leaves children of same-sex parents in limbo][이탈리아, 동성 부모의 자녀를 곤경에 빠뜨리다]Italy's right-wing government prompts an outcry by halting registration of children of same-sex parents.이탈리아의 우익 정부는 동성 부모의 자녀 등록을 중단함으로써 항의를 촉구합니다.



Italy leaves children of same-sex parents in limbo

Italy's right-wing government prompts an outcry by halting registration of children of same-sex parents.



[Thousands may have lost out to crypto trading app][수천 명이 암호 화폐 거래 앱을 잃었을 수 있습니다]Experts who investigated iEarn Bot say it could be part of one of the biggest-ever crypto scandals.iEarn Bot을 조사한 전문가들은 그것이 가장 큰 암호화 스캔들 중 하나일 수 있다고 말합니다.



Thousands may have lost out to crypto trading app

Experts who investigated iEarn Bot say it could be part of one of the biggest-ever crypto scandals.



[Disruption for train passengers as rail strikes continue][철도 파업 계속되면서 열차 승객 혼란]RMT members at 14 train operators are walking out, leaving some areas of the UK with no services.14개 열차 운영자의 RMT 회원들은 영국의 일부 지역을 운행하지 않는 상태로 떠나고 있습니다.



Disruption for train passengers as rail strikes continue

RMT members at 14 train operators are walking out, leaving some areas of the UK with no services.



[France pension protests: Crowd clashes with police over government reform by decree][프랑스 연금 시위 : 법령에 의한 정부 개혁에 대해 경찰과 군중 충돌]A second night of unrest grips France after the government pushed through pension changes without a vote.정부가 투표 없이 연금 변경을 강행한 후 불안의 두 번째 밤이 프랑스를 사로잡고 있습니다.



France pension protests: Crowd clashes with police over government reform by decree

A second night of unrest grips France after the government pushed through pension changes without a vote.



[Comic Relief raises over £34m with The Traitors and Eurovision sketches][Comic Relief, The Traitors 및 Eurovision 스케치로 3400만 파운드 이상 모금]This year's event will support people struggling with the cost of living crisis and food poverty.올해 행사는 생활비 위기와 식량 빈곤으로 어려움을 겪는 사람들을 지원할 것입니다.



Comic Relief raises over £34m with The Traitors and Eurovision sketches

This year's event will support people struggling with the cost of living crisis and food poverty.



