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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 02월 17일)

by 브래드조 2023. 2. 17.

오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[Ukraine war: Zelensky rules out territory deal with Putin in BBC interview][우크라이나 전쟁: 젤렌스키는 BBC 인터뷰에서 푸틴과 영토 거래를 배제]Ukraine's leader speaks to John Simpson before the anniversary of Russia's invasion on 24 February.우크라이나 지도자는 2월 24일 러시아 침공 기념일 전에 존 심슨과 대화합니다.



Ukraine war: Zelensky rules out territory deal with Putin in BBC interview

Ukraine's leader speaks to John Simpson before the anniversary of Russia's invasion on 24 February.



[Home secretary concerned by Bulley health disclosures][Bulley 건강 공개에 우려하는 내무 장관]A source close to the home secretary says she asked Lancashire Police for an explanation.내무장관과 가까운 소식통은 그녀가 랭커셔 경찰에 설명을 요청했다고 말했습니다.



Nicola Bulley: Home secretary concerned by health disclosures

A source close to the home secretary says she asked Lancashire Police for an explanation.



[John Swinney rules himself out of SNP leadership race][John Swinney는 SNP 리더십 경쟁에서 자신을 배제합니다.]The deputy first minister says he has to do what is right for his family, the party and the country.차관은 자신의 가족과 당과 국가를 위해 옳은 일을 해야 한다고 말합니다.



John Swinney rules himself out of SNP leadership race

The deputy first minister says he has to do what is right for his family, the party and the country.



[Joe Biden says he makes no apologies for downing China balloon][Joe Biden은 중국 풍선을 떨어 뜨린 것에 대해 사과하지 않는다고 말했습니다.]Mr Biden says he will speak with China's President Xi Jinping soon "to get to the bottom of this".바이든은 시진핑 중국 국가주석과 곧 "이 문제의 진상을 규명하기 위해" 회담할 것이라고 밝혔습니다.



Joe Biden says he makes no apologies for downing China balloon

Mr Biden says he will speak with China's President Xi Jinping soon "to get to the bottom of this".



[Bruce Willis has dementia, his family announces][브루스 윌리스 치매, 가족 발표]He was diagnosed with aphasia in spring last year, but the condition has progressed.지난해 봄 실어증 진단을 받았지만 병세가 호전됐다.



Bruce Willis has dementia, his family announces

He was diagnosed with aphasia in spring last year, but the condition has progressed.



[Strikes Update: How Friday 17 February’s walkouts will affect you][파업 업데이트: 2월 17일 금요일 파업이 당신에게 미치는 영향]What you need to know about Border Force and ambulance workers' strikes.국경수비대와 구급대원의 파업에 대해 알아야 할 사항.



[Turkey-Syria earthquakes: Yemeni mother gives birth after being pulled from rubble][터키-시리아 지진: 예멘 어머니가 돌무더기에서 끌어낸 후 출산]Faten Al Yousifi, 39 weeks pregnant, had a birth bag ready to go when the earthquake struck.임신 39주인 Faten Al Yousifi는 지진이 발생했을 때 출산 가방을 준비했습니다.



Turkey-Syria earthquakes: Yemeni mother gives birth after being pulled from rubble

Faten Al Yousifi, 39 weeks pregnant, had a birth bag ready to go when the earthquake struck.



[Nurses to stage 48-hour strike as dispute escalates][갈등 고조로 간호사 48시간 파업]Royal College of Nursing to take action from 1 to 3 March in England in biggest walkout of dispute.영국 왕립간호대학(Royal College of Nursing)이 3월 1일부터 3일까지 영국에서 가장 큰 분쟁 파업 조치를 취할 예정입니다.



Nurses to stage 48-hour strike as dispute escalates

Royal College of Nursing to take action from 1 to 3 March in England in biggest walkout of dispute.



[Rail workers to stage more strikes in pay dispute][철도노조 임금쟁의 파업 더 벌여]The RMT union announces a series of new strikes in March and April.RMT 노조는 3월과 4월에 일련의 새로운 파업을 발표합니다.



Rail workers to stage more strikes in pay dispute

The RMT union announces a series of new strikes in March and April.



[Lucy Letby: Murder-accused nurse breaks down at trial][Lucy Letby: 살인 혐의로 기소된 간호사가 재판에서 무너지다]The murder-accused nurse abruptly leaves her seat as a doctor begins to give evidence.살인 혐의로 기소된 간호사는 의사가 증거를 제시하기 시작하자 갑자기 자리를 떠납니다.



Lucy Letby: Murder-accused nurse breaks down at trial

The murder-accused nurse abruptly leaves her seat as a doctor begins to give evidence.



