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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 02월 02일)

by 브래드조 2023. 2. 2.

오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[Most schools in England affected by strikes][파업의 영향을 받는 영국의 대부분의 학교]More than half of schools restricted access or closed in England, government estimates suggest.영국에서는 절반 이상의 학교가 접근을 제한하거나 폐쇄했다고 정부 추산이 나왔다.



Most schools in England affected by strikes

More than half of schools restricted access or closed in England, government estimates suggest.



[A father 'gone too soon': Tyre Nichols funeral held in Memphis][아버지가 '너무 빨리 가셨다': 멤피스에서 열린 타이어 니콜스 장례식]Thousands are in Memphis to mourn the 29-year-old father who was fatally beaten by police.경찰에게 치명상을 입은 29세의 아버지를 애도하기 위해 수천 명이 멤피스에 모였습니다.



A father 'gone too soon': Tyre Nichols funeral held in Memphis

Thousands are in Memphis to mourn the 29-year-old father who was fatally beaten by police.



[Russia planning invasion anniversary offensive - Ukraine][러시아 계획 침공 기념일 공세-우크라이나]Ukraine's defence minister says Russia has amassed some 500,000 men for an attack in the coming weeks.우크라이나 국방장관은 러시아가 앞으로 몇 주 동안 공격을 위해 약 50만 명의 병력을 모았다고 밝혔습니다.



Ukraine war: Russia planning 24 February offensive, Ukrainian defence minister says

Ukraine's defence minister says Russia has amassed some 500,000 men for an attack in the coming weeks.



[Milton Keynes: Candlelit vigil held for girl killed in dog attack][밀턴 케인스: 개 공격으로 사망한 소녀를 위한 촛불집회 개최]A four-year-old girl, named locally as Alice Stones, was killed by a family pet, police say.경찰은 현지에서 앨리스 스톤스(Alice Stones)라는 이름으로 알려진 4세 소녀가 가족 애완동물에 의해 살해됐다고 말했습니다.



Milton Keynes: Candlelit vigil held for girl killed in dog attack

A four-year-old girl, named locally as Alice Stones, was killed by a family pet, police say.



[British Gas suspends force-fitting prepayment meters][British Gas, 강제 맞춤 선불 미터기 중단]It follows a report that agents broke into the homes of vulnerable people to install the equipment.장비를 설치하기 위해 요원들이 취약 계층의 집에 침입했다는 보고가 이어졌습니다.



British Gas suspends force-fitting prepayment meters

It follows a report that agents broke into the homes of vulnerable people to install the equipment.



[Rishi Sunak under pressure over what he knew about claims against Dominic Raab][Rishi Sunak은 Dominic Raab에 대한 주장에 대해 알고 있는 사실에 대해 압력을 받고 있습니다.]Rishi Sunak's aides refuse to say whether he was informally warned about bullying claims against his deputy.Rishi Sunak의 측근들은 그가 그의 대리인에 대한 괴롭힘 주장에 대해 비공식적으로 경고를 받았는지 여부에 대해 말하기를 거부합니다.



Rishi Sunak under pressure over what he knew about claims against Dominic Raab

Rishi Sunak's aides refuse to say whether he was informally warned about bullying claims against his deputy.



[Kim Johnson: Labour MP apologises for calling Israeli government 'fascist'][킴 존슨: 노동당 하원의원, 이스라엘 정부 '파시스트' 비난 사과]Kim Johnson was ordered by Labour Party bosses to retract her description of Israel's government.킴 존슨은 노동당 간부로부터 이스라엘 정부에 대한 그녀의 설명을 철회하라는 명령을 받았습니다.



Kim Johnson: Labour MP apologises for calling Israeli government 'fascist'

Kim Johnson was ordered by Labour Party bosses to retract her description of Israel's government.



[Biden FBI search: No classified documents found at president's beach house, lawyer says][Biden FBI 수색: 대통령의 비치 하우스에서 기밀 문서가 발견되지 않았다고 변호사가 말했습니다.]The FBI removed "materials and handwritten notes" reportedly from Mr Biden's time as vice president.FBI는 바이든이 부통령 시절에 쓴 "자료와 손으로 쓴 메모"를 제거한 것으로 알려졌다.



Biden FBI search: No classified documents found at president's beach house, lawyer says

The FBI removed "materials and handwritten notes" reportedly from Mr Biden's time as vice president.



[Horses and dogs sailed with Vikings to Britain, say scientists][말과 개는 바이킹과 함께 영국으로 항해했다고 과학자들은 말합니다]A Viking leader probably chose his favourite animals to board a longboat to England, scientists say.과학자들은 한 바이킹 지도자가 자신이 가장 좋아하는 동물을 선택하여 영국으로 가는 대형 보트를 탔을 것이라고 말했습니다.



Horses and dogs sailed with Vikings to Britain, say scientists

A Viking leader probably chose his favourite animals to board a longboat to England, scientists say.



[Nikki Haley poised to enter 2024 presidential race][니키 헤일리, 2024년 대선 출마 준비]The former UN ambassador will reportedly announce a presidential run at an event on 15 February.전 유엔 대사는 2월 15일 행사에서 대선 출마를 발표할 것으로 알려졌다.



Nikki Haley poised to enter 2024 presidential race

The former UN ambassador will reportedly announce a presidential run at an event on 15 February.



