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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 02월 01일)

by 브래드조 2023. 2. 1.

오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[Milton Keynes: Four-year-old girl killed in dog attack][밀턴 케인스: 개 공격으로 사망한 4세 소녀]The girl was attacked in the back garden of a property and died at the scene, police say.경찰에 따르면 소녀는 건물 뒤뜰에서 공격을 받아 현장에서 숨졌다.



[Alec Baldwin was 'on phone' during Rust firearms training][Alec Baldwin은 Rust 총기 훈련 중에 '전화 중'이었습니다.]Prosecutors accuse the actor of many "extremely reckless acts" as he is charged with an on-set death.검찰은 그가 현장 사망 혐의로 기소되면서 많은 "극도로 무모한 행동"을 한 배우를 비난했습니다.



Alec Baldwin charged with involuntary manslaughter in Rust shooting

Prosecutors accuse the actor of many "extremely reckless acts" as he is charged with an on-set death.



[Teachers prepare for Wednesday's strike in England and Wales][영국과 웨일즈에서 수요일 파업을 준비하는 교사들]Teachers in the National Education Union - and support staff in Wales - will strike over pay on Wednesday.National Education Union의 교사들과 웨일즈의 지원 직원들은 수요일 급여에 대한 파업을 벌일 것입니다.



Schools strike: Teachers across England and Wales walk out

Teachers in the National Education Union - and support staff in Wales - are striking over pay.



[Dominic Raab: Third senior civil servant gives evidence to bullying probe][Dominic Raab: 세 번째 고위 공무원이 괴롭힘 조사에 대한 증거 제공]Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab is under investigation after being accused of bullying.Dominic Raab 부총리는 왕따 혐의로 기소되어 조사를 받고 있습니다.



Dominic Raab: Third senior civil servant gives evidence to bullying probe

Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab is under investigation after being accused of bullying.



[Police inquiry into claims female corpses photographed at fire service][소방서에서 촬영 된 여성 시체 주장에 대한 경찰 조사]Police investigate claims that firefighters took photos of women who had died in car accidents.경찰은 소방관들이 교통사고로 사망한 여성들의 사진을 찍었다는 주장을 조사하고 있습니다.



Police inquiry into claims female corpses photographed at fire service

Police investigate claims that firefighters took photos of women who had died in car accidents.



[Hillsborough disaster: Families profoundly failed, say police][Hillsborough 참사: 가족들은 크게 실패했다고 경찰은 말했습니다.]Police forces promise "cultural change" as they respond to a critical report into the 1989 disaster.경찰은 1989년 참사에 대한 비판적 보고서에 대응하면서 "문화적 변화"를 약속합니다.



Hillsborough disaster: Families profoundly failed, say police

Police forces promise "cultural change" as they respond to a critical report into the 1989 disaster.



[Eurovision 2023: Liverpool hosts handover ceremony and semi-final draw][유로비전 2023: 리버풀, 이양식 개최 및 준결승 추첨]The mayor of last year's host city presents a symbolic Eurovision key as the semi-final draw is held.작년 개최 도시의 시장은 준결승 추첨이 진행될 때 상징적인 유로비전 키를 선물했습니다.



Eurovision 2023: Liverpool hosts handover ceremony and semi-final draw

The mayor of last year's host city presents a symbolic Eurovision key as the semi-final draw is held.



[Strikes Update: How Wednesday 1 February’s walkouts will affect you][파업 업데이트: 2월 1일 수요일 파업이 당신에게 미치는 영향]With school teachers, trains drivers and civil servants all striking, what do you need to know?학교 교사, 기차 운전사, 공무원이 모두 파업하는 상황에서 무엇을 알아야 합니까?



Strikes Update: How Wednesday 1 February’s walkouts will affect you

With school teachers, trains drivers and civil servants all striking, what do you need to know?



[Iran dancing couple given 10-year jail sentence][이란 댄스 커플에 징역 10년 선고]The pair, both in their early 20s, were reportedly convicted for promoting corruption and propaganda.20대 초반인 두 사람은 부패와 선전을 조장한 혐의로 유죄 판결을 받은 것으로 알려졌다.



Iran dancing couple given 10-year jail sentence

The pair, both in their early 20s, were reportedly convicted for promoting corruption and propaganda.



[Nicola Bulley: Key witness found in search for dog walker][Nicola Bulley: 개를 산책시키는 사람을 찾는 주요 증인 발견]The man, aged about 70, was seen in the River Wyre area around the time Nicola Bulley disappeared.약 70세의 그 남자는 Nicola Bulley가 실종될 무렵 와이어 강 지역에서 목격되었습니다.



Nicola Bulley: Key witness found in search for dog walker

The man, aged about 70, was seen in the River Wyre area around the time Nicola Bulley disappeared.



