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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 01월 30일)

by 브래드조 2023. 1. 30.

오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[Nadhim Zahawi committed a serious breach of ministerial code, says Sunak][수낙은 나딤 자하위가 장관법을 심각하게 위반했다고 말했습니다.]Nadhim Zahawi is sacked as Tory Party chairman after an inquiry finds he failed to disclose investigation into his tax affairs.나딤 자하위(Nadhim Zahawi)가 조사 결과 자신의 세금 문제에 대한 조사를 공개하지 않은 것으로 밝혀진 후 보수당 의장에서 해고되었습니다.



Nadhim Zahawi committed a serious breach of ministerial code, says Sunak

Nadhim Zahawi is sacked as Tory Party chairman after an inquiry finds he failed to disclose investigation into his tax affairs.



[Chris Mason: Zahawi sacking raises questions over Sunak's judgement][Chris Mason: Zahawi 약탈은 Sunak의 판단에 의문을 제기합니다.]The verdict on Nadhim Zahawi's tax affairs is decisive and puts the PM's judgement under the spotlight, says the BBC's political editor.나딤 자하위의 세금 문제에 대한 평결은 결정적이며 총리의 판단을 주목하게 한다고 BBC의 정치 편집자는 말했습니다.



Chris Mason: Zahawi sacking raises questions over Sunak's judgement

The verdict on Nadhim Zahawi's tax affairs is decisive and puts the PM's judgement under the spotlight, says the BBC's political editor.



[Isla Bryson case: Movement of violent transgender prisoners paused][Isla Bryson 사건: 폭력적인 트랜스젠더 수감자들의 움직임이 멈춤]The prison service will carry out an urgent review after trans rapist Isla Bryson was placed in a women's jail.교도소는 트랜스 강간범 Isla Bryson이 여성 교도소에 수감된 후 긴급 검토를 실시할 예정입니다.



Isla Bryson case: Movement of violent transgender prisoners paused

The prison service will carry out an urgent review after trans rapist Isla Bryson was placed in a women's jail.



[Hexham stabbings: Boy, 16, charged with murdering teenage girl][Hexham stabbings: 16세 소년, 10대 소녀 살해 혐의로 기소]Holly Newton, 15, was stabbed in Hexham on Friday evening and later died in hospital.15세의 Holly Newton은 금요일 저녁 Hexham에서 칼에 찔린 후 병원에서 사망했습니다.



Hexham stabbings: Boy, 16, charged with murdering teenage girl

Holly Newton, 15, was stabbed in Hexham on Friday evening and later died in hospital.



[FA Cup: Wrexham 3-3 Sheffield United - Egan's late strike denies Wrexham victory][FA 컵: Wrexham 3-3 Sheffield United - Egan의 늦은 스트라이크는 Wrexham 승리를 거부합니다.]John Egan's stoppage time goal rescues Sheffield United against non-league Wrexham in a frenetic FA Cup fourth-round tie.John Egan의 파업 시간 목표는 Sheffield United가 리그가 아닌 Wrexham을 상대로 열광적 인 FA 컵 4 라운드 동점에서 구출했습니다.



Late Egan strike denies Wrexham famous cup upset

John Egan's stoppage time goal rescues Sheffield United against non-league Wrexham in a frenetic FA Cup fourth-round tie.



[Erdogan says Turkey may block Sweden's Nato membership bid][에르도안 "터키, 스웨덴 나토 가입 제안 차단할 수도"]The president said he would not support Sweden's bid until it extradited dozens of "terrorists".대통령은 스웨덴이 수십 명의 "테러리스트"를 인도할 때까지 스웨덴의 입찰을 지지하지 않을 것이라고 말했습니다.



Erdogan says Turkey may block Sweden's Nato membership bid

The president said he would not support Sweden's bid until it extradited dozens of "terrorists".



[Dame Esther Rantzen reveals lung cancer diagnosis][Dame Esther Rantzen이 폐암 진단을 밝힙니다.]The charity founder and pioneering broadcaster says she feels "optimistic" about her treatment.자선 단체 창립자이자 선구적인 방송인인 그녀는 자신의 치료에 대해 "낙관적"이라고 말합니다.



Dame Esther Rantzen reveals lung cancer diagnosis

The charity founder and pioneering broadcaster says she feels "optimistic" about her treatment.



[Tyre Nichols' lawyer urges lawmakers to pass urgent police reforms][Tire Nichols의 변호사는 국회의원들에게 긴급한 경찰 개혁을 통과시킬 것을 촉구합니다.]Ben Crump says Nichols' death at the hands of police should spur US lawmakers to stop further tragedies.벤 크럼프는 경찰의 손에 니콜스의 죽음이 미국 국회의원들이 더 이상의 비극을 멈추도록 자극해야 한다고 말했습니다.



Tyre Nichols' lawyer urges lawmakers to pass urgent police reforms

Ben Crump says Nichols' death at the hands of police should spur US lawmakers to stop further tragedies.



[Grenfell fire: Michael Gove says government guidance was a factor][Grenfell 화재 : Michael Gove는 정부 지침이 요인이라고 말했습니다.]"Faulty and ambiguous" rules were not policed properly by various governments, Michael Gove says."잘못되고 모호한" 규칙은 여러 정부에서 제대로 단속되지 않았다고 Michael Gove는 말합니다.



Grenfell fire: Michael Gove says government guidance was a factor

"Faulty and ambiguous" rules were not policed properly by various governments, Michael Gove says.



[Ryanair and EasyJet ready to snap up Flybe staff][Ryanair와 EasyJet, Flybe 직원 채용 준비 완료]Airlines are inviting employees of the collapsed airline to fill vacancies for cabin crew and other roles.항공사는 객실 승무원 및 기타 역할의 공석을 채우기 위해 붕괴된 항공사의 직원을 초대하고 있습니다.



Ryanair and EasyJet ready to snap up Flybe staff

Airlines are inviting employees of the collapsed airline to fill vacancies for cabin crew and other roles.



