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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 01월 27일)

by 브래드조 2023. 1. 27.

오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[Transgender rapist Isla Bryson moved to men's prison][트랜스젠더 강간범 이슬라 브라이슨, 남성 교도소로 이감]Isla Bryson had been remanded to a female prison after being convicted of raping two women before she changed gender.Isla Bryson은 성별을 바꾸기 전에 두 명의 여성을 강간한 혐의로 유죄 판결을 받은 후 여성 교도소에 수감되었습니다.



Transgender rapist Isla Bryson moved to men's prison

Isla Bryson had been remanded to a female prison after being convicted of raping two women before she changed gender.



[Ukraine hit by Russian missiles day after West's offer of tanks][서부가 탱크를 제안한 지 하루 만에 우크라이나가 러시아 미사일에 맞았습니다.]Eleven people have been killed and 11 others injured after strikes hit buildings in several regions.공습이 여러 지역의 건물을 강타한 후 11명이 사망하고 11명이 부상당했습니다.



Ukraine hit by Russian missiles day after West's offer of tanks

Eleven people have been killed and 11 others injured after strikes hit buildings in several regions.



[No penalties for 'innocent' tax errors, HMRC boss says][HMRC 사장은 '순진한' 세금 오류에 대한 처벌은 없다고 말했습니다.]Tory Party chairman Nadhim Zahawi is facing calls to resign, after it emerged he paid a penalty to HMRC.나딤 자하위 보수당 대표는 HMRC에 벌금을 부과한 사실이 알려지면서 사임 요구에 직면해 있다.



No penalties for 'innocent' tax errors, HMRC boss says

Tory Party chairman Nadhim Zahawi is facing calls to resign, after it emerged he paid a penalty to HMRC.



[Egypt archaeology: Gold-covered mummy among latest discoveries][이집트 고고학: 최근 발견된 금으로 덮인 미라]The mummy was found inside a sarcophagus that has remained unopened for 4,300 years.미라는 4,300년 동안 열리지 않은 석관 안에서 발견되었습니다.



Egypt archaeology: Gold-covered mummy among latest discoveries

The mummy was found inside a sarcophagus that has remained unopened for 4,300 years.



[Gareth Southgate: England manager on decision to stay, World Cup & human rights][Gareth Southgate: 잔류 결정에 대한 잉글랜드 감독, 월드컵 및 인권]Gareth Southgate talks to BBC sports editor Dan Roan about his decision to remain England manager, the team's performance in Qatar and why he has no regrets.Gareth Southgate는 BBC 스포츠 편집자 Dan Roan에게 잉글랜드 감독으로 남기로 한 그의 결정, 카타르에서의 팀 성과, 그가 후회하지 않는 이유에 대해 이야기합니다.



Criticism made me consider walking away - Southgate

Gareth Southgate talks to BBC sports editor Dan Roan about his decision to remain England manager, the team's performance in Qatar and why he has no regrets.



[Tyre Nichols: Five Memphis police officers charged over death][타이어 니콜스: 5명의 멤피스 경찰이 사망 혐의로 기소]The 29-year-old's family lawyers say he was beaten non-stop by Memphis police like "a human piñata".29세의 가족 변호사는 그가 멤피스 경찰에게 "인간 피냐타"처럼 쉬지 않고 구타를 당했다고 말했습니다.



Tyre Nichols: Five Memphis police officers charged over death

The 29-year-old's family lawyers say he was beaten non-stop by Memphis police like "a human piñata".



[Asteroid 2023 BU: Space rock to pass closer than some satellites][소행성 2023 BU: 우주 암석이 일부 위성보다 더 가까이 지나갑니다.]About the size of a bus, the space rock will whip over the southern tip of South America.버스 크기 정도의 우주 암석은 남아메리카의 남쪽 끝을 휘젓고 지나갈 것입니다.



Asteroid 2023 BU: Space rock passes closer than some satellites

About the size of a bus, the space rock whipped over the southern tip of South America.



[Israel-Palestinian conflict: Fears of wider flare-up after deadly Jenin raid][이스라엘-팔레스타인 분쟁: 치명적인 제닌 공습 이후 더 큰 폭발 우려]What's behind the raid on the West Bank city, which led to nine Palestinian deaths on Thursday?목요일에 9명의 팔레스타인 사망자를 낸 웨스트 뱅크 도시에 대한 급습의 배후에는 무엇이 있습니까?



Israel-Palestinian conflict: Fears of wider flare-up after deadly Jenin raid

What's behind the raid on the West Bank city, which led to nine Palestinian deaths on Thursday?



[Matt Hancock paid £320K for I'm a Celebrity appearance][Matt Hancock은 I'm a Celebrity 출연을 위해 £320K를 지불했습니다.]The former health secretary says he donated £10,000 of the fee to two charities.전 보건부 장관은 수수료 중 10,000파운드를 두 개의 자선단체에 기부했다고 말했습니다.



Matt Hancock paid £320K for I'm a Celebrity appearance

The former health secretary says he donated £10,000 of the fee to two charities.



[Elle Edwards: Man arrested over Christmas Eve pub shooting][엘 에드워즈: 크리스마스 이브 펍 총격 사건으로 체포된 남자]The 20-year-old man has been held on suspicion of conspiracy to murder and assisting an offender.20세 남성은 살인 공모 및 범죄자 방조 혐의로 체포됐다.



Elle Edwards: Man arrested over Christmas Eve pub shooting

The 20-year-old man has been held on suspicion of conspiracy to murder and assisting an offender.



