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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 03월 23일)

by 브래드조 2023. 3. 23.

오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[Boris Johnson clashes with MPs over Partygate denials][보리스 존슨, Partygate 거부에 대해 하원 의원과 충돌]The former PM repeatedly insists he did not deliberately lie to Parliament in a marathon grilling.전 총리는 자신이 고의적으로 의회에 거짓말을 한 것은 아니라고 거듭 주장했습니다.



Boris Johnson clashes with MPs over Partygate denials

The former PM repeatedly insists he did not deliberately lie to Parliament in a marathon grilling.



[Watch: 'Hand on heart, I did not lie'][보기: '가슴에 손을 얹고, 나는 거짓말을 하지 않았다']The former prime minister faces a committee of MPs on whether he intentionally misled parliament.전 총리는 그가 의도적으로 의회를 오도했는지 여부에 대해 하원 의원 위원회에 직면해 있습니다.



Watch: 'Hand on heart, I did not lie' - Johnson grilled

The former prime minister faces a committee of MPs on whether he intentionally misled parliament.



[MPs back Rishi Sunak's new Brexit Northern Ireland deal][하원 의원은 Rishi Sunak의 새로운 Brexit Northern Ireland 거래를지지합니다.]But former PMs Boris Johnson and Liz Truss joined 20 other Tory MPs and the DUP to vote against the agreement.그러나 보리스 존슨(Boris Johnson)과 리즈 트러스(Liz Truss) 전 총리는 다른 보수당 의원 20명과 DUP에 합류해 합의에 반대표를 던졌습니다.



[Multiple injuries after ship tips over at Edinburgh dockyard][에든버러 조선소에서 선박 전복 후 여러 부상]Twenty three people were treated to hospital and another 12 at the scene of the incident in Leith.Leith 사건 현장에서 23명이 병원으로 이송되었고 12명이 치료를 받았습니다.



Multiple injuries after ship tips over at Edinburgh dockyard

Twenty three people were treated to hospital and another 12 at the scene of the incident in Leith.



[Ruth Perry: Schools cut Ofsted references in tribute][Ruth Perry: 학교는 공물에서 Ofsted 참조를 잘라냅니다.]Head teachers take action "in solidarity" with Ruth Parry, who killed herself after an inspection.교장은 검사 후 자살한 Ruth Parry와 "연대하여" 조치를 취합니다.



Ruth Perry: Schools cut Ofsted references in tribute

Head teachers take action "in solidarity" with Ruth Parry, who killed herself after an inspection.



[Lindsay Lohan and Jake Paul hit with SEC charges over crypto scheme][Lindsay Lohan과 Jake Paul은 암호화 체계에 대해 SEC 혐의로 타격을 입었습니다.]Eight stars including Soulja Boy did not disclose payments for touting cryptocurrencies, the SEC says.Soulja Boy를 포함한 8명의 스타는 암호 화폐 선전에 대한 지불을 공개하지 않았다고 SEC는 말합니다.



Lindsay Lohan and Jake Paul hit with SEC charges over crypto scheme

Eight stars including Soulja Boy did not disclose payments for touting cryptocurrencies, the SEC says.



[Train strikes planned in March and April suspended][3월과 4월에 계획된 열차 파업이 중단됨]Rail workers across 14 train companies were due to walk out on 30 March and 1 April.14개 철도 회사의 철도 노동자들은 3월 30일과 4월 1일에 파업할 예정이었습니다.



Train strikes planned in March and April suspended

Rail workers across 14 train companies were due to walk out on 30 March and 1 April.



[Rishi Sunak paid over £1m in UK tax since 2019, records show][Rishi Sunak은 2019년부터 영국 세금으로 £1m 이상을 지불했다고 기록에 나와 있습니다.]The UK tax was paid on earnings of more than £4.7m from income and a US-based investment fund.영국 세금은 소득과 미국 기반 투자 펀드에서 £4.7m 이상의 수입에 대해 지불되었습니다.



Rishi Sunak paid over £1m in UK tax since 2019, records show

The UK tax was paid on earnings of more than £4.7m from income and a US-based investment fund.



[Mosque fire suspect arrested over second attack][모스크 화재 용의자, 2차 공격 용의자 검거]A man accused of setting a pensioner on fire as he left a Birmingham mosque is held over an attack in west London.버밍엄 사원을 떠나면서 연금 수급자를 불태운 혐의로 기소된 한 남자가 런던 서부에서 발생한 공격으로 체포되었습니다.



Mosque fire suspect arrested over second attack

A man accused of setting a pensioner on fire as he left a Birmingham mosque is held over an attack in west London.



[Prince William makes surprise visit to troops near Ukraine border in Poland][윌리엄 왕세손, 폴란드 우크라이나 접경부대 전격 방문]The Prince of Wales meets troops in Poland an hour's drive from the border with Ukraine.웨일즈 왕자는 우크라이나 국경에서 차로 1시간 거리에 있는 폴란드에서 군대를 만납니다.



Prince William makes surprise visit to troops near Ukraine border in Poland

The Prince of Wales meets troops in Poland an hour's drive from the border with Ukraine.



