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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 03월 21일)

by 브래드조 2023. 3. 21.

오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[Putin to Xi: We will discuss your plan to end the war in Ukraine][푸틴, 시진핑에 "우크라이나 종전 계획 논의할 것"]China's leader, whose Ukraine plan has been criticised in the West, gets a warm welcome in Moscow.우크라이나 계획이 서방에서 비판을 받아온 중국의 지도자가 모스크바에서 따뜻한 환영을 받습니다.



Putin to Xi: We will discuss your plan to end the war in Ukraine

China's leader, whose Ukraine plan has been criticised in the West, gets a warm welcome in Moscow.



[Ukraine says Russian missiles destroyed in Crimea][우크라이나, 크리미아에서 러시아 미사일 파괴]The attack by Ukraine's forces struck the weapons being transported through the Dzhankoi area on Monday night.우크라이나군의 공격은 월요일 밤 Dzhankoi 지역을 통해 수송되는 무기를 강타했습니다.



Ukraine says Russian missiles destroyed in Crimea

If confirmed as a Ukrainian attack, it would be a rare foray into the occupied region.



[Brexit: DUP will vote against Windsor Framework plans][Brexit: DUP는 Windsor Framework 계획에 반대표를 던집니다.]Downing Street says there are no plans for substantial changes to the Windsor Framework.Downing Street는 Windsor Framework에 대한 실질적인 변경 계획이 없다고 말했습니다.



Brexit: DUP will vote against Windsor Framework plans

Downing Street says there are no plans for substantial changes to the Windsor Framework.



[Ruth Perry: Ofsted urged to pause inspections after teacher death][Ruth Perry: Ofsted는 교사 사망 후 검사를 중단할 것을 촉구했습니다.]Head teacher Ruth Perry took her own life while waiting for the publication of an Ofsted report.교장인 Ruth Perry는 Ofsted 보고서의 출판을 기다리다가 스스로 목숨을 끊었습니다.



Ruth Perry: Ofsted urged to pause inspections after teacher death

Head teacher Ruth Perry took her own life while waiting for the publication of an Ofsted report.



[Danish far-right leader banned from UK over threat to burn Quran in Wakefield][웨이크필드에서 꾸란을 불태우겠다고 위협한 덴마크 극우 지도자가 영국에서 추방되다]Rasmus Paludan had said he planned to burn the Islamic text in Wakefield.Rasmus Paludan은 Wakefield에서 이슬람 텍스트를 불태울 계획이라고 말했습니다.



Danish far-right leader banned from UK over threat to burn Quran in Wakefield

Rasmus Paludan had said he planned to burn the Islamic text in Wakefield.



[Hampshire shark: Appeal for head to be returned][햄프셔 상어: 머리 반환 요청]The BBC's Duncan Kennedy visits Hampshire to find out why scientists are appealing for help.BBC의 던컨 케네디가 과학자들이 도움을 요청하는 이유를 알아보기 위해 햄프셔를 방문합니다.



Watch: The mystery of a shark beheaded on a UK beach

The BBC's Duncan Kennedy visits Hampshire to find out why scientists are appealing for help.



[UN climate report: Scientists release 'survival guide' to avert climate disaster][유엔 기후 보고서: 과학자들이 기후 재앙을 피하기 위한 '서바이벌 가이드'를 발표하다]Technology is providing solutions but the climate forecast is worsening, scientists say in major report.기술은 해결책을 제공하지만 기후 예측은 악화되고 있다고 과학자들은 주요 보고서에서 말합니다.



UN climate report: Scientists release 'survival guide' to avert climate disaster

Technology is providing solutions but the climate forecast is worsening, scientists say in major report.



[Jeffrey Epstein banks to face sex trafficking case][제프리 엡스타인 은행, 성매매 사건에 직면하다]A US court says the banks must face claims they enabled the deceased financier's sex trafficking.미국 법원은 은행들이 고인이 된 금융가의 성매매를 가능하게 했다는 주장에 직면해야 한다고 말했습니다.



Jeffrey Epstein banks to face sex trafficking case

A US court says the banks must face claims they enabled the deceased financier's sex trafficking.



[France pension reform: Macron's government survives no-confidence vote][프랑스 연금 개혁: 마크롱 정부, 불신임 투표에서 살아남아]The votes came after the pension age was raised to 64 last Thursday without a vote.이번 투표는 지난 목요일 투표 없이 연금 수령 연령이 64세로 높아진 이후 나온 것입니다.



France pension reform: Macron's government survives no-confidence vote

The votes came after the pension age was raised to 64 last Thursday without a vote.



[Aleksandar Mitrovic: FA says standard ban 'clearly insufficient' as Fulham striker charged][Aleksandar Mitrovic:FA는 풀햄의 스트라이커가 기소됨에 따라 표준 금지가 '분명히 불충분하다'고 말했습니다.]Fulham’s Aleksandar Mitrovic is charged with violent and improper conduct after his red card at Manchester United, but the Football Association says the standard punishment is “clearly insufficient”.풀럼의 알렉산다르 미트로비치는 맨체스터 유나이티드에서 퇴장당한 후 폭력적이고 부적절한 행위로 기소되었지만 축구 협회는 표준 처벌이 "분명히 불충분하다"고 말했습니다.



Mitrovic standard ban ‘clearly insufficient’, says FA

Fulham’s Aleksandar Mitrovic is charged with violent and improper conduct after his red card at Manchester United, but the Football Association says the standard punishment is “clearly insufficient”.



