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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 02월 21일)

by 브래드조 2023. 2. 21.

오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[Nicola Bulley: Body found in river confirmed as that of missing mum][Nicola Bulley: 강에서 발견된 시신이 실종된 엄마의 시신으로 확인됨]The mother-of-two's body was discovered about a mile away from where she was last seen.두 엄마의 시신은 그녀가 마지막으로 목격된 곳에서 약 1마일 떨어진 곳에서 발견되었습니다.



Nicola Bulley: Body found in river confirmed as that of missing mum

The mother-of-two's body was discovered about a mile away from where she was last seen.



[New Turkey earthquake leaves three dead and people trapped under rubble in Hatay][새로운 터키 지진으로 3명이 사망하고 Hatay에서 사람들이 잔해 속에 갇히다]The new tremor was reported near Turkey's border with Syria, weeks after another quake killed thousands.또 다른 지진으로 수천 명이 사망한 지 몇 주 만에 터키와 시리아 국경 근처에서 새로운 지진이 보고되었습니다.



New Turkey earthquake leaves three dead and people trapped under rubble in Hatay

The new tremor was reported near Turkey's border with Syria, weeks after another quake killed thousands.



[Biden visits Zelensky in Kyiv and says Putin 'dead wrong' on Ukraine war][Biden은 키예프의 Zelensky를 방문하고 우크라이나 전쟁에 대해 푸틴이 '잘못'이라고 말했습니다.]The US president met Ukraine's Zelensky during the surprise trip and reaffirmed his support.미국 대통령은 기습 순방 중 우크라이나의 젤렌스키 대통령을 만나 지지를 재확인했습니다.



Biden visits Zelensky in Kyiv and says Putin 'dead wrong' on Ukraine war

The US president met Ukraine's Zelensky during the surprise trip and reaffirmed his support.



[Plymouth shooting: Families say warning signs were ignored][플리머스 총격 사건: 가족들은 경고 신호가 무시되었다고 말합니다]Families of four of the victims say "warning signs were ignored and a licence to kill was granted".피해자 4명의 가족은 "경고 신호를 무시하고 살인 면허를 받았다"고 말했다.



Plymouth shooting: Families say warning signs were ignored

Families of four of the victims say "warning signs were ignored and a licence to kill was granted".



[Junior doctors vote for strikes in England][주니어 의사들은 영국에서 파업에 투표]British Medical Association planning 72-hour walkout as early as mid-March in fight for more pay.영국의사협회(British Medical Association)는 급여 인상을 위해 이르면 3월 중순부터 72시간 파업을 계획하고 있다.



Junior doctors vote for strikes in England

British Medical Association planning 72-hour walkout as early as mid-March in fight for more pay.



[Bafta Awards face backlash over all-white winners][Bafta Awards는 모두 백인 수상자에 대한 반발에 직면]The prestigious film ceremony had a diverse set of nominees, but that did not translate into wins.권위 있는 영화 시상식에는 다양한 후보가 있었지만 그것이 수상으로 이어지지는 않았습니다.



Bafta Awards face backlash over all-white winners

The prestigious film ceremony had a diverse set of nominees, but that did not translate into wins.



[UK supermarkets face tomato shortages][영국 슈퍼마켓, 토마토 부족 사태에 직면]Harvests in Europe and Africa have been disrupted by bad weather, a retail body says.유럽과 아프리카의 수확이 악천후로 인해 차질을 빚었다고 한 소매업체가 밝혔습니다.



UK supermarkets face tomato shortages

Harvests in Europe and Africa have been disrupted by bad weather, a retail body says.



[Justin Welby rejected as leader by conservative Anglicans over same-sex blessings][저스틴 웰비(Justin Welby)는 동성 축복에 대해 보수적인 성공회로부터 지도자로 거부당했습니다.]10 Archbishops criticise Justin Welby over the Church of England backing blessings for same-sex couples.10명의 대주교가 동성 커플을 위한 축복을 뒷받침하는 영국 교회에 대해 저스틴 웰비를 비판했습니다.



Justin Welby rejected as leader by conservative Anglicans over same-sex blessings

10 Archbishops criticise Justin Welby over the Church of England backing blessings for same-sex couples.



[Ukraine war: Liz Truss joins Johnson in calling for transfer of fighter jets][우크라이나 전쟁: Liz Truss, Johnson과 함께 전투기 이전 요구]The ex-PM puts pressure on Rishi Sunak as she urges the UK to "do all we can" to support Ukraine.전 총리는 영국이 우크라이나를 지원하기 위해 "우리가 할 수 있는 모든 것을 하라"고 촉구하면서 리시 수낙에게 압력을 가합니다.



Ukraine war: Liz Truss joins Johnson in calling for transfer of fighter jets

The ex-PM puts pressure on Rishi Sunak as she urges the UK to "do all we can" to support Ukraine.



[SNP leadership: Kate Forbes would not have backed gender bill][SNP 지도부: 케이트 포브스는 성 법안을 지지하지 않았을 것입니다.]The SNP leadership candidate says she has "significant concerns" about the issue of self-identification.SNP 지도부 후보는 자기 식별 문제에 대해 "중요한 우려"가 있다고 말했습니다.



SNP leadership: Kate Forbes would not have backed gender bill

The SNP leadership candidate says she has "significant concerns" about the issue of self-identification.



