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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 02월 15일)

by 브래드조 2023. 2. 15.

오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[Wayne Couzens: Police misconduct cases over indecent exposure reports][Wayne Couzens: 음란한 노출 보고서에 대한 경찰의 위법 행위 사건]One of his offences was committed four days before the then-Met PC abducted Sarah Everard.그의 범죄 중 하나는 당시 Met PC가 Sarah Everard를 납치하기 4일 전에 저질러졌습니다.



Wayne Couzens: Police misconduct cases over indecent exposure reports

One of his offences was committed four days before the then-Met PC abducted Sarah Everard.



[King Charles hears emotional pleas for Turkey-Syria earthquake aid][찰스 왕은 터키-시리아 지진 지원에 대한 감정적 탄원을 듣습니다.]The King is told about the earthquake "catastrophe" in Turkey and Syria by those who have lost family.왕은 가족을 잃은 사람들로부터 터키와 시리아의 지진 "재앙"에 대해 들었습니다.



[British embassy spy snared by Berlin sting, court hears][영국 대사관 스파이, 베를린 쏘임에 올무, 법원이 듣다]Fake Russian spies helped expose David Ballantyne Smith for sharing data with Russia, a court hears.가짜 러시아 스파이가 David Ballantyne Smith가 러시아와 데이터를 공유한 사실을 폭로하는 데 도움을 주었다고 법원이 듣습니다.



British embassy spy snared by Berlin sting, court hears

Fake Russian spies helped expose David Ballantyne Smith for sharing data with Russia, a court hears.



[Banksy Margate Valentine's Day artwork has piece removed within hours][Banksy Margate 발렌타인 데이 작품이 몇 시간 안에 제거되었습니다.]A part of the artwork, a fridge freezer, will return "once it has been made safe", a council says.예술품의 일부인 냉장고 냉동고는 "안전한 상태가 되면" 반환될 것이라고 의회는 말했습니다.



Banksy Margate Valentine's Day artwork has piece removed within hours

A part of the artwork, a fridge freezer, will return "once it has been made safe", a council says.



[Male contraceptive pill prototype stops sperm swimming][정자의 유영을 막는 남성 피임약 시제품]Early tests in mice look promising for a non-hormonal, on-demand pill that immobilises sperm.생쥐의 초기 테스트는 정자를 고정시키는 비 호르몬 주문형 알약에 대해 유망한 것으로 보입니다.



Male contraceptive pill prototype stops sperm swimming

Early tests in mice look promising for a non-hormonal, on-demand pill that immobilises sperm.



[Candlelit vigils held for schoolgirl Brianna Ghey][여학생 Brianna Ghey를 위한 촛불집회]The vigils, organised by the transgender community, are held in memory of the stabbed 16-year-old.트랜스젠더 커뮤니티가 조직한 시위는 칼에 찔린 16세 소년을 기리기 위해 열립니다.



Brianna Ghey: Candlelit vigils held across UK for schoolgirl

The vigils, organised by the transgender community, are held in memory of the stabbed 16-year-old.



[Col Paris Davis: Black Vietnam veteran to finally receive Medal of Honor][대령 패리스 데이비스: 마침내 명예 훈장을 받은 흑인 베트남 베테랑]US President Joe Biden personally calls retired Col Paris Davis after a wait of almost sixty years.조 바이든 미국 대통령은 거의 60년의 기다림 끝에 은퇴한 대령 패리스 데이비스에게 개인적으로 전화를 겁니다.



Col Paris Davis: Black Vietnam veteran to finally receive Medal of Honor

US President Joe Biden personally calls retired Col Paris Davis after a wait of almost sixty years.



[British man dies in Ukraine, says Foreign Office][우크라이나에서 영국인 사망, 외무부 발표]He becomes the eighth British man known to have died in Ukraine since the Russian invasion last year.그는 지난해 러시아 침공 이후 우크라이나에서 사망한 것으로 알려진 8번째 영국인이 됐다.



British man dies in Ukraine, says Foreign Office

He becomes the eighth British man known to have died in Ukraine since the Russian invasion last year.



[All major road building projects in Wales are scrapped][웨일즈의 모든 주요 도로 건설 프로젝트가 폐기되었습니다.]Environmental campaigners called it "world-leading" but some warned of lost construction jobs.환경 운동가들은 그것을 "세계 최고"라고 불렀지만 일부는 건설 일자리를 잃을 것이라고 경고했습니다.



All major road building projects in Wales are scrapped

Environmental campaigners called it "world-leading" but some warned of lost construction jobs.



[The King's Singers says Christian college axed gig over sexuality][킹스 싱어즈(The King's Singers)는 기독교 대학이 섹슈얼리티에 대한 공연을 취소했다고 말합니다.]The King's Singers group says the concert in Florida was cancelled with just two hours' notice.King's Singers 그룹은 플로리다에서의 콘서트가 불과 2시간 전에 통지로 취소되었다고 말했습니다.



The King's Singers says Christian college axed gig over sexuality

The King's Singers group says the concert in Florida was cancelled with just two hours' notice.



