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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 02월 14일)

by 브래드조 2023. 2. 14.



오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[White House defends decision to shoot down flying objects][백악관, 비행 물체 격추 결정 옹호]Questions remain over what the three objects shot down over North America this weekend were.이번 주말 북미 상공에서 격추된 3개의 물체가 무엇인지에 대한 의문이 남아 있습니다.



White House defends decision to shoot down flying objects

Questions remain over what the three objects shot down over North America this weekend were.



[The China-US mind-boggling balloon mystery in 61 seconds][61초 안에 펼쳐지는 중국-미국의 놀라운 풍선 미스터리]The BBC's security correspondent explains why the US is downing multiple unidentified flying objects.BBC의 보안 특파원은 미국이 여러 개의 미확인 비행 물체를 격추하는 이유를 설명합니다.



'What’s going on?' The mind-boggling balloon mystery in 61 seconds

The BBC's security correspondent explains why the US is downing multiple unidentified flying objects.



[Champions League final: Uefa 'responsible' for chaos before Liverpool v Real Madrid in Paris][챔피언스 리그 결승전: UEFA는 파리에서 리버풀과 레알 마드리드를 맞기 전 혼돈에 대해 '책임이 있다']Uefa bears "primary responsibility" for the chaotic scenes before last year's Champions League final, an independent review has found.UEFA는 지난해 챔피언스 리그 결승전을 앞두고 혼란스러운 장면에 대한 "일차적인 책임"을 지고 있다고 독립적인 리뷰가 밝혔습니다.



Uefa 'responsible' for Champions League final chaos

Uefa bears "primary responsibility" for the chaotic scenes before last year's Champions League final, an independent review has found.



[Turkey earthquake: Young girl rescued after 178 hours under rubble][터키 지진: 잔해 속에서 178시간 만에 구조된 어린 소녀]Video shows Miray being rescued from under an apartment building a week after a huge earthquake.비디오는 Miray가 거대한 지진이 발생한 지 일주일 후 아파트 건물 아래에서 구조되는 모습을 보여줍니다.



Turkey earthquake: Young girl rescued after 178 hours under rubble

Video shows Miray being rescued from under an apartment building a week after a huge earthquake.



[Covid forces Camilla, Queen Consort, to cancel visits][Covid는 Camilla, Queen Consort의 방문을 취소하도록 강요합니다.]Camilla is said to have cold symptoms but is described as keeping in "good spirits".카밀라는 감기 증상이 있는 것으로 알려져 있지만 "기분 좋은" 상태를 유지하는 것으로 묘사됩니다.



Covid forces Camilla, Queen Consort, to cancel visits

Camilla is said to have cold symptoms but is described as keeping in "good spirits".



[Brianna Ghey's death has left massive hole, says family][Brianna Ghey의 죽음은 엄청난 구멍을 남겼다고 가족은 말합니다.]Brianna Ghey, 16, who was stabbed to death in a park is described as "fearless and one of a kind".공원에서 칼에 찔려 숨진 16세 브리아나 게이(Brianna Ghey)는 "두려움이 없고 독보적"이라고 묘사된다.



Brianna Ghey's death has left massive hole, says family

Brianna Ghey, 16, who was stabbed to death in a park is described as "fearless and one of a kind".



[US warns that dual citizens face Russian conscription][미국, 이중국적자 러시아 징병 대상 경고]A new travel warning urges US citizens to leave the country immediately or face conscription.새로운 여행 경고는 미국 시민들에게 즉시 국가를 떠나거나 징집에 직면할 것을 촉구합니다.



US warns that dual citizens face Russian conscription

A new travel warning urges US citizens to leave the country immediately or face conscription.



[Jakub Jankto: Czech Republic international midfielder comes out as gay][Jakub Jankto: 체코 국가대표 미드필더가 게이로 커밍아웃]Czech Republic international midfielder Jakub Jankto says he "no longer wants to hide" as he publicly comes out as gay.체코 국가대표 미드필더 Jakub Jankto는 공개적으로 동성애자임을 밝히면서 "더 이상 숨기고 싶지 않다"고 말했습니다.



Czech midfielder Jankto comes out as gay

Czech Republic international midfielder Jakub Jankto says he "no longer wants to hide" as he publicly comes out as gay.



[Wayne Couzens admits indecent exposure offences][Wayne Couzens는 외설적인 노출 범죄를 인정합니다.]Wayne Couzens exposed himself shortly before he abducted, raped and killed Sarah Everard in 2021.Wayne Couzens는 2021년 Sarah Everard를 납치, 강간, 살해하기 직전에 자신을 폭로했습니다.



Wayne Couzens admits indecent exposure offences

Wayne Couzens exposed himself shortly before he abducted, raped and killed Sarah Everard in 2021.



[Cyclone Gabrielle: New Zealand declares state of emergency][사이클론 가브리엘: 뉴질랜드, 비상사태 선포]It is the third time in the nation's history a state of emergency has been declared.국가 비상사태가 선포된 것은 역사상 세 번째다.



Cyclone Gabrielle: New Zealand declares state of emergency

It is the third time in the nation's history a state of emergency has been declared.



