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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 02월 13일)

by 브래드조 2023. 2. 13.

오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[No tents, no aid, nothing: Why Syrians feel forgotten][텐트도, 원조도, 아무것도: 시리아인들이 잊혀진 느낌을 받는 이유]"We've received nothing but God's mercy," one earthquake survivor tells Quentin Sommerville.한 지진 생존자는 Quentin Sommerville에게 "우리는 신의 자비 외에는 아무것도 받지 못했습니다."라고 말합니다.



No tents, no aid, nothing: Why Syrians feel forgotten

"We've received nothing but God's mercy," one earthquake survivor tells Quentin Sommerville.



[Turkey earthquake rescue continues almost 150 hours on: 'You are a miracle'][터키 지진 구조는 거의 150 시간 동안 계속됩니다 : '당신은 기적입니다']A seven-month-old baby and 12-year-old girl are among those pulled from the rubble.7개월 된 아기와 12세 소녀가 잔해에서 끌어낸 사람들 중 하나입니다.



Turkey earthquake rescue continues almost 150 hours on: 'You are a miracle'

A seven-month-old baby and 12-year-old girl are among those pulled from the rubble.



[Brianna Ghey: Boy and girl arrested over Warrington park stabbing][Brianna Ghey: Warrington 공원에서 칼로 찔러 체포된 소년 소녀]A 15-year-old boy and girl are being held on suspicion of murdering a 16-year-old girl in Warrington.15세 소년과 소녀가 워링턴에서 16세 소녀를 살해한 혐의로 구금되고 있습니다.



Brianna Ghey: Boy and girl arrested over Warrington park stabbing

A 15-year-old boy and girl are being held on suspicion of murdering a 16-year-old girl in Warrington.



[Ukraine war: Russians slowly take ground around Bakhmut][우크라이나 전쟁: 러시아인들이 바흐무트 주변에서 천천히 자리를 잡다]In Bakhmut, Orla Guerin speaks to Ukrainian defenders doggedly holding off fierce Russian attacks.Bakhmut에서 Orla Guerin은 맹렬한 러시아 공격을 끈질기게 막아내는 우크라이나 수비수들과 이야기합니다.



Ukraine war: Russians slowly take ground around Bakhmut

In Bakhmut, Orla Guerin speaks to Ukrainian defenders doggedly holding off fierce Russian attacks.



[Richard Sharp: Pressure grows on BBC chairman after critical report][리차드 샤프: 비판적 보도 이후 BBC 회장에 대한 압력 증가]Richard Sharp's position is "extremely difficult" following MPs' report, says SNP's John Nicolson.SNP의 존 니콜슨은 리차드 샤프의 입장이 하원의원들의 보고에 따라 "매우 어렵다"고 말했다.



Richard Sharp: Pressure grows on BBC chairman after critical report

Richard Sharp's position is "extremely difficult" following MPs' report, says SNP's John Nicolson.



[US military shoots down another flying object over Lake Huron][미군, 휴런 호수 상공에서 또 다른 비행물체 격추]The downing of a high-altitude object near the Canadian border is the fourth such incident this month.캐나다 국경 근처의 고고도 물체 추락 사건은 이달 들어 네 번째다.



US military shoots down fourth flying object over North America

A spate of high-altitude objects have been shot down in North American airspace in recent days.



[Nicola Bulley: Yellow ribbons left near where mother last seen][Nicola Bulley: 어머니가 마지막으로 본 곳에 남겨진 노란 리본]"We need you home" reads one message left on bridge, as search for missing mother continues."We need you home"은 실종된 어머니에 대한 수색이 계속되는 동안 함교에 남겨진 한 메시지를 읽습니다.



Nicola Bulley: Yellow ribbons left near where mother last seen

"We need you home" reads one message left on bridge, as search for missing mother continues.



[WhatsOnStage Awards: Jodie Comer and Lucie Jones among winners][WhatsOnStage Awards: Jodie Comer와 Lucie Jones가 수상자 중]Lucie Jones was among the winners at Sunday's WhatsOnStage Awards for her performance in Wicked.Lucie Jones는 Wicked에서 그녀의 공연으로 일요일 WhatsOnStage Awards에서 수상했습니다.



WhatsOnStage Awards: Jodie Comer and Lucie Jones among winners

Lucie Jones was among the winners at Sunday's WhatsOnStage Awards for her performance in Wicked.



[New Zealand storm Gabrielle: Tense wait as ex-cyclone moves over North Island][뉴질랜드 폭풍 가브리엘: 이전 사이클론이 북섬을 넘어갈 때 긴박한 기다림]Some people have been told to evacuate there homes and the worst weather is expected on Monday.일부 사람들은 집에서 대피하라는 지시를 받았으며 월요일에 최악의 날씨가 예상됩니다.



New Zealand storm Gabrielle: Tense wait as ex-cyclone moves over North Island

Some people have been told to evacuate their homes and the worst weather is expected on Monday.



[England beat Italy in Six Nations][잉글랜드, 식스네이션스에서 이탈리아 제압]England claim a first win of Steve Borthwick's tenure with a pragmatic bonus-point win over Italy in the Six Nations at Twickenham.잉글랜드는 Twickenham의 Six Nations에서 이탈리아를 상대로 실용적인 보너스 포인트 승리로 Steve Borthwick 임기의 첫 승리를 거두었습니다.



Pragmatic England claim first win under Borthwick

England claim a first win of Steve Borthwick's tenure with a pragmatic bonus-point win over Italy in the Six Nations at Twickenham.



