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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 02월 11일)

by 브래드조 2023. 2. 11.

오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[High-altitude object shot down over Alaska, US says][미국, 알래스카 상공에서 고고도 물체 격추]The object of unknown origin was shot down by an F-22 using a sidewinder missile, the US says.출처를 알 수 없는 이 물체는 사이드와인더 미사일을 사용하여 F-22에 의해 격추되었다고 미국이 밝혔습니다.



High-altitude object shot down off Alaska, US says

A sidewinder missile fired by an F-22 warplane blew up the object of unknown origin, the US says.



[Inside Aleppo: BBC sees devastation after quake][내부 알레포 : BBC는 지진 후 황폐화를 본다]The BBC is one of the first international outlets to report from the historic Syrian city.BBC는 역사적인 시리아 도시에서 보도하는 최초의 국제 매체 중 하나입니다.



Inside Aleppo: BBC sees devastation after quake

The BBC is one of the first international outlets to report from the historic Syrian city.



[Knowsley: Protesters clash outside Merseyside asylum seeker hotel][노슬리: Merseyside 망명 신청자 호텔 밖에서 시위대 충돌]Merseyside Police confirmed that items had been thrown and damage caused to a police vehicle.Merseyside 경찰은 물건이 던져지고 경찰 차량에 손상이 발생했음을 확인했습니다.



[Nicola Bulley: Paul Ansell 100% convinced she is not in the river][Nicola Bulley: Paul Ansell은 자신이 강에 있지 않다고 100% 확신했습니다.]Paul Ansell says he does not believe Nicola Bulley fell in the river, as police say they are open-minded.Paul Ansell은 Nicola Bulley가 강에 빠진 것을 믿지 않는다고 말했습니다. 경찰은 마음이 열려 있다고 말했습니다.



Nicola Bulley: Paul Ansell 100% convinced she is not in the river

Paul Ansell says he does not believe Nicola Bulley fell in the river, as police say they are open-minded.



[Great Yarmouth: Huge blast after unplanned WW2 bomb detonation][Great Yarmouth: 계획되지 않은 WW2 폭탄 폭발 후 거대한 폭발]Norfolk Police say the bomb detonated unplanned during an attempt to defuse it.노퍽 경찰은 폭탄이 그것을 해체하려는 시도 중에 계획되지 않은 폭발을 일으켰다고 밝혔습니다.



Great Yarmouth: Huge blast after unplanned WW2 bomb detonation

Norfolk Police say the bomb detonated unplanned during an attempt to defuse it.



[King Charles coronation logo created by iPhone designer][iPhone 디자이너가 만든 Charles 왕의 대관식 로고]Sir Jony Ive has designed an emblem of "optimism" to be used for the coronation of King Charles.조니 아이브 경은 찰스 왕의 대관식에 사용할 "낙천주의"의 상징을 디자인했습니다.



King Charles coronation logo created by iPhone designer

Sir Jony Ive has designed an emblem of "optimism" to be used for the coronation of King Charles.



[Why the search for Nicola Bulley moved to road and sea][Nicola Bulley에 대한 검색이 도로와 바다로 이동한 이유]Reporter Nick Garnett looks at where the missing mother-of-two was last seen, and where she could have gone.닉 가넷 기자는 실종된 두 엄마가 마지막으로 목격된 곳과 어디로 갈 수 있었는지 살펴봅니다.



Why the search for Nicola Bulley moved to road and sea

Reporter Nick Garnett looks at where the missing mother-of-two was last seen, and where she could have gone.



[Chariots of Fire director Hugh Hudson dies at 86][불의 전차 감독 휴 허드슨 별세, 향년 86세]Hugh Hudson's family said he died at Charing Cross Hospital in London after a short illness.Hugh Hudson의 가족은 그가 짧은 투병 끝에 런던의 Charing Cross 병원에서 사망했다고 말했습니다.



Chariots of Fire director Hugh Hudson dies at 86

Hugh Hudson's family said he died at Charing Cross Hospital in London after a short illness.



[RMT union rejects latest offers in rail dispute][RMT 노조, 철도 분쟁에서 최근 제안 거부]The union calls the deals from both Network Rail and the train operating companies "dreadful".노조는 Network Rail과 열차 운영 회사의 거래를 "두려운" 거래라고 부릅니다.



RMT union rejects latest offers in rail dispute

The union calls the deals from both Network Rail and the train operating companies "dreadful".



[Ian Lavery: Ex-Labour Party chairman faces questions over tax affairs][Ian Lavery: 전 노동당 의장, 세무 문제에 대한 질문에 직면하다]Ian Lavery says he "does not owe a single penny" in tax and has never paid a penalty to HMRC.Ian Lavery는 세금으로 "단 한 푼도 빚진 것이 없으며" HMRC에 벌금을 낸 적이 없다고 말했습니다.



Ian Lavery: Ex-Labour Party chairman faces questions over tax affairs

Ian Lavery says he "does not owe a single penny" in tax and has never paid a penalty to HMRC.



