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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 02월 10일)

by 브래드조 2023. 2. 10.


오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[Turkey-Syria earthquake: Freezing weather adds to despair as quake toll passes 20,000][터키-시리아 지진]The UN calls for aid workers to get more resources and warns the full extent of the disaster is still unfolding.유엔은 구호 활동가들에게 더 많은 자원을 확보할 것을 ​​촉구하고 재난의 전 범위가 여전히 전개되고 있다고 경고했습니다.



Turkey-Syria earthquake: Freezing weather adds to despair as quake toll passes 20,000

The UN calls for aid workers to get more resources and warns the full extent of the disaster is still unfolding.



[Turkey-Syria earthquake: Thousands offer to adopt baby pulled from the rubble][터키-시리아 지진: 수천 명이 잔해에서 끌어낸 아기 입양 제안]The baby girl was rescued from a collapsed building in Syria, but her mother died after the birth.아기는 시리아의 무너진 건물에서 구조됐지만 엄마는 출산 후 숨졌다.



Turkey-Syria earthquake: Thousands offer to adopt baby pulled from the rubble

The baby girl was rescued from a collapsed building in Syria, but her mother died after the birth.



[Burt Bacharach, one of pop's greatest songwriters, dies aged 94][팝의 가장 위대한 작곡가 중 한 명인 Burt Bacharach가 94세의 나이로 사망했습니다.]The musician wrote enduring classics like Walk On By and I Say A Little Prayer.뮤지션은 Walk On By 및 I Say A Little Prayer와 같은 지속적인 클래식을 썼습니다.



Burt Bacharach, one of pop's greatest songwriters, dies aged 94

The musician wrote enduring classics like Walk On By and I Say A Little Prayer.



[Nicola Bulley: Search for missing mum moves towards sea][Nicola Bulley: 실종된 엄마 찾기 바다로 이동]Police search teams move "further downstream" and then out towards the sea at Morecambe Bay.경찰 수색팀은 "더 하류"로 이동한 다음 Morecambe Bay의 바다를 향해 이동합니다.



Nicola Bulley: Search for missing mum moves towards sea

Police search teams move "further downstream" and then out towards the sea at Morecambe Bay.



[Strikes Update: How Friday 10 February’s walkouts will affect you][파업 업데이트: 2월 10일 금요일 파업이 당신에게 미치는 영향]What you need to know about the ambulance workers' strike and other industrial action, by the BBC's Zoe Conway.BBC의 Zoe Conway가 구급차 파업 및 기타 산업 활동에 대해 알아야 할 사항.



Strikes Update: How Friday 10 February’s walkouts will affect you

What you need to know about the ambulance workers' strike and other industrial action, by the BBC's Zoe Conway.



[MPs want inquiry into Ashford school after attack on black schoolgirl][하원의원, 흑인 여학생 공격 후 애쉬포드 학교 조사 원해]A protest was held after the suspected racially-aggravated assault on the girl in Surrey.Surrey에서 소녀에 대한 인종 차별적 폭행이 의심되는 후 시위가 열렸습니다.



MPs want inquiry into Ashford school after attack on black schoolgirl

A protest was held after the suspected racially-aggravated assault on the girl in Surrey.



[King Charles's coronation concert offers 10,000 free tickets in ballot][찰스 왕의 대관식 콘서트, 투표용지 10,000장 무료 제공]The show will see "musical icons and contemporary stars" perform at Windsor Castle, in May.이 쇼는 5월에 윈저 성에서 "음악 아이콘과 현대 스타"가 공연하는 것을 볼 것입니다.



King Charles's coronation concert offers 10,000 free tickets in ballot

The show will see "musical icons and contemporary stars" perform at Windsor Castle, in May.



[MPs' pay will increase by 2.9% in April][4월 국회의원 급여 2.9% 인상]The independent body which sets the figure says it is in line with public sector pay rises last year.수치를 설정하는 독립 기관은 작년 공공 부문 임금 인상과 일치한다고 말했습니다.



MPs' pay will increase by 2.9% in April

The independent body which sets the figure says it is in line with public sector pay rises last year.



[Trans prisoners to be placed based on birth gender in Scotland][스코틀랜드, 출생 성별에 따라 트랜스젠더 수감자 배치]The change in prison policy was confirmed in a review into the handling of the Isla Bryson case.교도소 정책의 변경은 Isla Bryson 사건 처리에 대한 검토에서 확인되었습니다.



Trans prisoners in Scotland to be placed according to birth gender

The change in prison policy was confirmed in a review into the handling of the Isla Bryson case.



[Nadine Dorries to stand down as MP at next election][나딘 도리스, 다음 선거에서 하원의원 사임]The ex-culture secretary and Mid Bedfordshire MP blames her party's decision to oust Boris Johnson.전 문화부 장관이자 Mid Bedfordshire MP는 그녀의 당이 Boris Johnson을 축출하기로 한 결정을 비난했습니다.



Nadine Dorries to stand down as MP at next election

The ex-culture secretary and Mid Bedfordshire MP blames her party's decision to oust Boris Johnson.



