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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 02월 08일)

by 브래드조 2023. 2. 8.

오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[Epsom College head called relative before she was shot by husband][엡솜 칼리지 교장은 남편에게 총을 맞기 전에 친척에게 전화를 걸었다]Police recover a firearm owned by George Pattison who officers believe killed his wife and daughter.경찰은 아내와 딸을 죽였다고 믿는 조지 패티슨 소유의 총기를 회수합니다.



Epsom College head called relative before she was shot by husband

Police recover a firearm owned by George Pattison who officers believe killed his wife and daughter.



[China spy balloon: US Navy releases photos of debris][중국 스파이 풍선 : 미 해군, 잔해 사진 공개]The suspected Chinese surveillance balloon was shot down over the Atlantic on Saturday.의심되는 중국 감시 풍선이 토요일 대서양 상공에서 격추되었습니다.



China spy balloon: US Navy releases photos of debris

The suspected Chinese surveillance balloon was shot down over the Atlantic on Saturday.



[Nicola Bulley: Police still believe missing mum fell into river][Nicola Bulley: 경찰은 여전히 ​​실종된 엄마가 강에 빠진 것으로 믿고 있습니다.]Officers say they are "fully open" to new information and are following about 500 lines of inquiry.경찰관들은 새로운 정보에 "완전히 개방"되어 있으며 약 500줄의 조사를 따르고 있다고 말했습니다.



[Dominic Raab accused of bullying behaviour by ex-colleague][Dominic Raab은 전 동료에 의한 괴롭힘 행위로 기소되었습니다.]An ex-senior civil servant talks anonymously to BBC Newsnight about the deputy prime minister's conduct.한 전 고위 공무원이 부총리의 행동에 대해 BBC Newsnight에 익명으로 이야기합니다.



Dominic Raab accused of bullying behaviour by ex-colleague

An ex-senior civil servant talks anonymously to BBC Newsnight about the deputy prime minister's conduct.



[Kaylea Titford: Tragic teen left to die alone at home by parents][Kaylea Titford: 부모가 집에서 혼자 죽게 내버려둔 비극적인 십대]How did a strong-willed and funny teenager become a victim of negligence and die of morbid obesity?의지가 강하고 우스꽝스러운 십대가 어떻게 과실의 희생자가 되어 병적 비만으로 사망하게 되었습니까?



Kaylea Titford: Tragic teen left to die alone at home by parents

How did a strong-willed and funny teenager become a victim of negligence and die of morbid obesity?



[David Bowie's handwritten Jean Genie lyrics sold for £57,000][David Bowie의 손으로 쓴 Jean Genie 가사가 £57,000에 팔렸습니다.]The handwritten sheet was given to the founder of the inaugural David Bowie fan club by the star.손편지는 스타가 데이빗 보위 팬클럽 창립자에게 선물한 것이다.



David Bowie's handwritten Jean Genie lyrics sold for £57,000

The handwritten sheet was given to the founder of the inaugural David Bowie fan club by the star.



[Sheffield United 3-1 Wrexham: Blades to face Spurs after ending Dragons' FA Cup run][셰필드 유나이티드 3-1 렉섬: 드래곤즈의 FA컵 경기를 마친 후 스퍼스와 맞붙는 블레이드]Billy Sharp and Sander Berge score injury-time goals as Sheffield United finally end non-league Wrexham's FA Cup adventure in a pulsating fourth-round replay.빌리 샤프와 샌더 베리가 인저리 타임 골을 터뜨리고 셰필드 유나이티드가 마침내 비리그 렉섬의 FA컵 모험을 맥동하는 4라운드 리플레이에서 끝냅니다.



Blades set up Spurs tie by ending Wrexham's run

Billy Sharp and Sander Berge score injury-time goals as Sheffield United finally end non-league Wrexham's FA Cup adventure in a pulsating fourth-round replay.



[Oscars: Danielle Deadwyler claims Hollywood is 'deeply impacted by racism'][오스카: Danielle Deadwyler는 할리우드가 '인종주의에 깊은 영향을 받았다'고 주장합니다.]Danielle Deadwyler and Viola Davis were tipped to be nominated for best actress, but missed out.다니엘 데드와일러와 비올라 데이비스가 여우주연상 후보에 올랐지만 탈락했다.



Oscars: Danielle Deadwyler claims Hollywood is 'deeply impacted by racism'

Danielle Deadwyler and Viola Davis were tipped to be nominated for best actress, but missed out.



[Sunak reshuffle: Shapps named energy secretary in department shake-up][수낙 개편 : 부서 개편에서 에너지 비서관으로 임명 된 Shapps]Lucy Frazer leads a streamlined department of culture, media, and sport as the PM changes his team.Lucy Frazer는 PM이 팀을 변경함에 따라 간소화된 문화, 미디어 및 스포츠 부서를 이끌고 있습니다.



Sunak reshuffle: Shapps named energy secretary in department shake-up

Lucy Frazer leads a streamlined department of culture, media, and sport as the PM changes his team.



[Rishi Sunak's 'maths until 18' plan questioned by experts][Rishi Sunak의 '18세까지의 수학' 계획에 전문가 의문 제기]The PM's idea won't work without big changes to the education system, experts say.총리의 아이디어는 교육 시스템에 큰 변화 없이는 효과가 없을 것이라고 전문가들은 말합니다.



Rishi Sunak's 'maths until 18' plan questioned by experts

The PM's idea won't work without big changes to the education system, experts say.



