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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 02월 07일)

by 브래드조 2023. 2. 7.

오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[School head found dead with husband and daughter][교장이 남편과 딸과 함께 숨진 채 발견]Epsom College head Emma Pattison is described as a "warm, energetic, compassionate leader".Epsom College 교장인 Emma Pattison은 "따뜻하고 활력이 넘치며 자비로운 리더"로 묘사됩니다.



Epsom College head Emma Pattison found dead with husband and daughter

Epsom College head Emma Pattison is described as a "warm, energetic, compassionate leader".



[David Carrick: Serial rapist PC humiliated victims, court hears][데이비드 캐릭: 연쇄 강간범 PC 굴욕 피해자, 법원 심리]Former Met Police officer David Carrick is being sentenced for dozens of rape and sexual offences.전 메트로폴리탄 경찰관 데이비드 캐릭(David Carrick)이 수십 건의 강간 및 성범죄 혐의로 형을 선고받고 있습니다.



David Carrick: Serial rapist PC humiliated victims, court hears

Former Met Police officer David Carrick is being sentenced for dozens of rape and sexual offences.



[Suspected Chinese spy balloon was 200ft tall - US defence official][200피트 높이의 중국 스파이 풍선으로 추정]An official says the size of the object informed the decision not to shoot it down before Saturday.한 관리는 물체의 크기가 토요일 이전에 격추하지 않기로 결정했다고 말했습니다.



Suspected Chinese spy balloon was 200ft tall - US defence official

An official says the size of the object informed the decision not to shoot it down before Saturday.



[Focus on river path in search for missing Nicola][실종된 니콜라를 찾기 위해 강길에 집중하세요]Nicola Bulley's partner says their two girls "miss their mummy desperately" and "need her back".Nicola Bulley의 파트너는 두 딸이 "미라를 필사적으로 그리워하고" "그녀가 필요하다"고 말합니다.



Nicola Bulley: Police focus on river path in search for missing mum

Nicola Bulley's partner says their two girls "miss their mummy desperately" and "need her back".



[Digital pound likely this decade, Treasury says][디지털 파운드는 이번 10년 동안 가능성이 있다고 재무부는 말했습니다.]The Treasury and Bank of England will formally start a consultation for the digital currency, on Tuesday.재무부와 영란은행은 화요일 공식적으로 디지털 통화에 대한 협의를 시작할 것입니다.



Digital pound likely this decade, Treasury says

The Treasury and Bank of England will formally start a consultation for the digital currency, on Tuesday.



[Chris Mason: Sunak's backseat-driving former prime ministers][Chris Mason : Sunak의 뒷좌석 운전 전 총리]Rishi Sunak has a minibus full of predecessors who could end up as backseat drivers - with Liz Truss the latest to lurch towards the wheel.Rishi Sunak은 뒷좌석 운전사가 될 수 있는 전임자들로 가득 찬 미니버스를 가지고 있습니다. Liz Truss는 운전대를 향해 비틀거리는 가장 최근의 사람입니다.



Chris Mason: Sunak's backseat-driving former prime ministers

Rishi Sunak has a minibus full of predecessors who could end up as backseat drivers - with Liz Truss the latest to lurch towards the wheel.



[Royal Mail February strikes off after legal challenge][로열 메일 2월, 법적 소송 후 파업]Union bosses say they have called off the strikes later this month due to a legal challenge.노조 간부들은 법적 문제로 이달 말 파업을 취소했다고 밝혔습니다.



Royal Mail February strike off after legal challenge

Union bosses say they have called off the strike later this month due to a legal challenge.



[Coronation official playlist picks golden oldies][대관식 공식 재생 목록은 황금 시대에 뒤 떨어진 사람들을 선택합니다.]The government puts out its Coronation song choices, but takes down a Dizzee Rascal track.정부는 대관식 노래 선택을 발표하지만 Dizzee Rascal 트랙을 삭제합니다.



Coronation official playlist picks golden oldies

The government puts out its Coronation song choices, but takes down a Dizzee Rascal track.



[Manchester City charged with breaking financial rules by Premier League][맨체스터 시티, 프리미어리그 재정 규정 위반 혐의로 기소]The Premier League charges Manchester City with more than 100 breaches of its financial rules following a four-year investigation.프리미어 리그는 4년에 걸친 조사 끝에 맨체스터 시티를 100건 이상의 재정 규정 위반 혐의로 기소했습니다.



Man City charged with breaking financial rules

The Premier League charges Manchester City with more than 100 breaches of its financial rules following a four-year investigation.



[Nissan warns costs must fall to make new electric cars in UK][닛산, 영국에서 새로운 전기 자동차를 만들려면 비용이 낮아져야 한다고 경고]A senior boss at the car company says the UK faces challenges to be competitive with other countries.자동차 회사의 고위 간부는 영국이 다른 나라와 경쟁해야 하는 도전에 직면해 있다고 말했습니다.



Nissan warns costs must fall to make new electric cars in UK

A senior boss at the car company says the UK faces challenges to be competitive with other countries.



