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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 01월 25일)

by 브래드조 2023. 1. 25.

오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[Ukraine: Chris Parry and Andrew Bagshaw killed in Soledar rescue attempt][우크라이나: Chris Parry와 Andrew Bagshaw가 Soledar 구조 시도에서 사망했습니다.]Chris Parry and Andrew Bagshaw were killed in Soledar, eastern Ukraine, family members say.Chris Parry와 Andrew Bagshaw는 우크라이나 동부의 Soledar에서 사망했다고 가족이 말했습니다.



Ukraine: Chris Parry and Andrew Bagshaw killed in Soledar rescue attempt

Chris Parry and Andrew Bagshaw were killed in Soledar, eastern Ukraine, family members say.



[Tanks for Ukraine: Germany to send Leopard 2s and allow others to export - reports][우크라이나 탱크 : 독일은 Leopard 2를 보내고 다른 국가는 수출하도록 허용 - 보고서]Germany has been under pressure over its reluctance to send the battle tanks to Ukraine.독일은 우크라이나에 탱크를 보내는 것을 꺼려한다는 압박을 받아왔다.



Tanks for Ukraine: Germany to send Leopard 2s and allow others to export - reports

Germany has been under pressure over its reluctance to send the battle tanks to Ukraine.



[Children punched and fed chilli flakes in care homes rated ‘good’]['양호' 등급을 받은 요양원에서 아이들이 주먹질을 하고 고추가루를 먹였습니다.]Former staff and leaked papers reveal shocking abuse claims at three South Yorkshire children's homes.이전 직원과 유출된 문서는 세 곳의 사우스 요크셔 아동 가정에서 충격적인 학대 주장을 드러냅니다.



Children punched and hit over the head in care homes rated ‘good’

Former staff and leaked papers reveal shocking abuse claims at three South Yorkshire children's homes.



[Oscar nominations 2023: Andrea Riseborough shock and other talking points][2023년 오스카 후보 지명: Andrea Riseborough 충격 및 기타 논점]Andrea Riseborough's nomination for a low-budget drama is one of several to surprise awards pundits.Andrea Riseborough의 저예산 드라마 후보는 수상 전문가들을 놀라게 한 몇 가지 중 하나입니다.



Oscar nominations 2023: Andrea Riseborough shock and other talking points

Andrea Riseborough's nomination for a low-budget drama is one of several to surprise awards pundits.



[Mike Pence: Classified documents found at former vice-president's home][마이크 펜스: 전 부통령 집에서 발견된 기밀 문서]Documents found at former US vice-president's Indiana home in the latest secret paper discovery.최근 비밀문서 발견에서 전 미국 부통령의 인디애나 자택에서 발견된 문서.



Mike Pence: Classified documents found at former vice-president's home

The files were passed to the FBI following their discovery by the former US vice-president's lawyer.



[Cody Fisher stab death nightclub loses licence][Cody Fisher 자살 나이트클럽 면허 상실]Birmingham City Council acts after police cite "terrifying risks" at the venue where Cody Fisher died.버밍엄 시의회는 코디 피셔가 사망한 장소에서 경찰이 "끔찍한 위험"을 언급한 후 조치를 취했습니다.



Cody Fisher stab death nightclub loses licence

Birmingham City Council acts after police cite "terrifying risks" at the venue where Cody Fisher died.



[Fears missing couple and baby are sleeping in tent in icy temperatures][실종된 부부와 아기가 영하의 온도에서 텐트에서 자고 있다는 두려움]CCTV shows Constance Marten and Mark Gordon, who are missing with their baby, shopping in London.CCTV는 아기와 함께 실종된 Constance Marten과 Mark Gordon이 런던에서 쇼핑하는 모습을 보여줍니다.



Fears missing couple and baby are sleeping in tent in icy temperatures

CCTV shows Constance Marten and Mark Gordon, who are missing with their baby, shopping in London.



[Jenners blaze: Critically ill firefighter is named][Jenners blaze : 위독한 소방관이 지명되었습니다.]The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service says Barry Martin, 38, suffered serious injuries tackling the blaze.스코틀랜드 소방구조국은 배리 마틴(38)이 화재 진압 과정에서 심각한 부상을 입었다고 밝혔다.



Jenners blaze: Critically ill firefighter is named

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service says Barry Martin, 38, suffered serious injuries tackling the blaze.



[Aquind: Government loses bid to block cross-Channel electricity cable][Aquind: 정부는 교차 채널 전기 케이블을 차단하기 위한 입찰에서 패배합니다.]Kwasi Kwarteng's rejection of electricity link from Portsmouth to France is overturned in High Court.Kwasi Kwarteng이 포츠머스에서 프랑스로 전기 연결을 거부한 것은 고등법원에서 뒤집혔습니다.



Aquind: Government loses bid to block cross-Channel electricity cable

Kwasi Kwarteng's rejection of electricity link from Portsmouth to France is overturned in High Court.



[Rapist guilty of attacking women before gender change][성전환 전에 여성을 공격한 강간범 유죄]Isla Bryson carried out the rapes in Clydebank and Glasgow in 2016 and 2019 while known as a man.Isla Bryson은 2016년과 2019년에 Clydebank와 Glasgow에서 남성으로 알려진 동안 강간을 저질렀습니다.



Rapist guilty of attacking women before gender change

Isla Bryson carried out the rapes in Clydebank and Glasgow in 2016 and 2019 while known as a man.



