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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 01월 24일)

by 브래드조 2023. 1. 24.


오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[Rishi Sunak orders investigation into Nadhim Zahawi tax row][Rishi Sunak, Nadhim Zahawi 세금 행에 대한 조사 지시]Rishi Sunak says there are "questions that need answering" over the Conservative party chairman's tax affairs.Rishi Sunak은 보수당 대표의 세금 문제에 대해 "답변이 필요한 질문"이 있다고 말했습니다.



Rishi Sunak orders investigation into Nadhim Zahawi tax row

Rishi Sunak says there are "questions that need answering" over the Conservative party chairman's tax affairs.



[Key questions about ex-chancellor's tax affairs][전 총장의 세금 문제에 대한 주요 질문]The Conservative Party chairman is under pressure to fully explain the circumstances of a tax settlement.보수당 대표는 세금 정산 상황을 충분히 설명해야 한다는 압박을 받고 있다.



Key questions about Nadhim Zahawi's tax affairs

The Conservative Party chairman is under pressure to fully explain the circumstances of a tax settlement.



[Firefighter critically injured in Jenners blaze in Edinburgh][에든버러에서 Jenners 화재로 소방관 중상]The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service says five firefighters were treated in hospital after tackling the blaze in Edinburgh.스코틀랜드 소방구조국(Scottish Fire and Rescue Service)은 5명의 소방관이 에든버러에서 화재를 진압한 후 병원에서 치료를 받았다고 말했습니다.



Firefighter critically injured in Jenners blaze in Edinburgh

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service says five firefighters were treated in hospital after tackling the blaze in Edinburgh.



[Richard Sharp: Watchdog review begins into BBC chairman's hiring][리처드 샤프: BBC 회장 채용에 감시견 검토 시작]The inquiry will examine if the process complied with government rules on public roles.조사는 프로세스가 공적 역할에 대한 정부 규칙을 준수하는지 여부를 조사합니다.



Richard Sharp: Watchdog review begins into BBC chairman's hiring

The inquiry will examine if the process complied with government rules on public roles.



[Erdogan tells Sweden not to expect Nato bid support][에르도안, 스웨덴에 나토 입찰 지원 기대하지 말라고]The Turkish president's warning comes after protests in Sweden, including a Quran burning.터키 대통령의 경고는 코란 불태우기를 포함해 스웨덴에서 일어난 시위 이후 나온 것입니다.



Erdogan tells Sweden not to expect Nato bid support

The Turkish president's warning comes after protests in Sweden, including a Quran burning.



[People to be paid again for using less electricity on Tuesday][화요일에 더 적은 전기를 사용하는 사람들에게 다시 지불해야 합니다.]Discounts for households who cut peak-time use will be offered again on Tuesday.피크타임을 삭감한 가구 할인은 화요일에 다시 제공된다.



People to be paid again for using less electricity on Tuesday

Discounts for households who cut peak-time use will be offered again on Tuesday.



[Dr Jo Wilson dies after three-year battle with dementia][조 윌슨 박사, 3년 간의 치매 투병 끝에 사망]Reporters followed Dr Jo Wilson over several months as her husband navigated the social care system.기자들은 조 윌슨 박사의 남편이 사회 복지 시스템을 탐색하는 동안 몇 달 동안 그녀를 따라다녔습니다.



Dr Jo Wilson dies after three-year battle with dementia

Reporters followed Dr Jo Wilson over several months as her husband navigated the social care system.



[Portishead boy joins Mensa after teaching himself to read aged two][Portishead 소년, 2살 때 독학으로 멘사 합류]Teddy, from Portishead, now four, can also count to 100 in six non-native languages.현재 네 살인 Portishead의 Teddy는 모국어가 아닌 여섯 가지 언어로 100까지 셀 수 있습니다.



Portishead boy joins Mensa after teaching himself to read aged two

Teddy, from Portishead, now four, can also count to 100 in six non-native languages.



[Jared O'Mara: MP made fake expense claims to fund cocaine use, court told][Jared O'Mara: 의원이 코카인 사용 자금을 조달하기 위해 가짜 비용 청구를 했다고 법원이 밝혔습니다.]Jared O'Mara. 41, is alleged to have submitted fake invoices worth nearly £30,000.자레드 오마라. 41, 거의 £ 30,000 상당의 가짜 송장을 제출 한 것으로 알려졌습니다.



Jared O'Mara: MP made fake expense claims to fund cocaine use, court told

Jared O'Mara. 41, is alleged to have submitted fake invoices worth nearly £30,000.



[Murder arrest after mobility scooter robbery victim dies][이동 스쿠터 강도 피해자 사망 후 살인 검거]The man in his 60s was found unresponsive in a Tesco car park after the suspected robbery in Stroud.60대 남성은 스트라우드에서 발생한 강도 사건 이후 테스코 주차장에서 의식을 잃은 채 발견됐다.



Murder arrest after mobility scooter robbery victim dies

The man in his 60s was found unresponsive in a Tesco car park after the suspected robbery in Stroud.



