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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 01월 23일)

by 브래드조 2023. 1. 23.


오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[Nadhim Zahawi paid penalty as part of HMRC tax dispute][Nadhim Zahawi는 HMRC 세금 분쟁의 일환으로 벌금을 지불했습니다.]The Conservative Party chairman is under pressure over his taxes, after saying he made a "careless error".보수당 대표는 "부주의한 실수"를 저질렀다고 말한 후 세금에 대한 압박을 받고 있습니다.



Nadhim Zahawi paid penalty as part of HMRC tax dispute

The Conservative Party chairman is under pressure over his taxes, after saying he made a "careless error".



[Call for probe into claim BBC chair helped ex-PM secure loan][BBC 회장이 전 총리의 대출 확보를 도왔다는 주장에 대한 조사 요청]The BBC chairman helped him secure a loan guarantee weeks before the then-PM recommended him for the role, a paper says.한 신문에 따르면 BBC 회장은 당시 총리가 그를 추천하기 몇 주 전에 그가 대출 보증을 받을 수 있도록 도왔습니다.



Labour urges probe into claims BBC chair helped Johnson secure loan guarantee

The BBC chairman helped him secure a loan guarantee weeks before the then-PM recommended him for the role, a paper says.



[Cold weather triggers money-off energy scheme][추운 날씨로 인해 돈을 절약하는 에너지 계획]Some households who cut peak-time electricity use on Monday will get discounts on their bills.월요일에 피크 타임 전기 사용을 줄인 일부 가구는 요금을 할인받을 수 있습니다.



Cold weather triggers money-off energy scheme

Some households who cut peak-time electricity use on Monday will get discounts on their bills.



[Lisa Marie Presley: Daughter's emotional tribute read out at memorial][리사 마리 프레슬리: 기념관에서 낭독되는 딸의 감동적인 추모]On their behalf, Priscilla Presley read the tribute at a memorial service for her daughter Lisa Marie Presley.그들을 대신하여 Priscilla Presley는 그녀의 딸 Lisa Marie Presley의 추도식에서 추모를 읽었습니다.



Lisa Marie, my icon, my role model, my superhero - daughter

On their behalf, Priscilla Presley read the tribute at a memorial service for her daughter Lisa Marie Presley.



[Ukraine war: Resilient civilians return to liberated town of Lyman][우크라이나 전쟁: 회복력 있는 민간인들이 해방된 라이먼 마을로 돌아옴]Ukrainian civilians are returning to Lyman, close to the front line, despite the threat of strikes.우크라이나 민간인들이 공습의 위협에도 불구하고 최전선에 가까운 라이먼으로 돌아가고 있습니다.



Ukraine war: Resilient civilians return to liberated town of Lyman

Ukrainian civilians are returning to Lyman, close to the front line, despite the threat of strikes.



[Strikes Update: How Monday 23 January’s walkouts will affect you][파업 업데이트: 1월 23일 월요일 파업이 당신에게 미치는 영향]What you need to know about the ambulance workers' strike, by the BBC's Zoe Conway.BBC의 Zoe Conway가 구급차 노동자 파업에 대해 알아야 할 사항.



Strikes Update: How Monday 23 January’s walkouts will affect you

What you need to know about the ambulance workers' strike, by the BBC's Zoe Conway.



[Food firms raising prices unnecessarily, Tesco's John Allan says][테스코의 존 앨런(John Allan)은 식품 회사들이 불필요하게 가격을 인상한다고 말합니다.]Chairman John Allan says it is "entirely possible" food producers are taking advantage of the poorest.존 앨런 회장은 식품 생산자들이 극빈층을 이용하는 것이 "완전히 가능하다"고 말합니다.



Food firms raising prices unnecessarily, Tesco's John Allan says

Chairman John Allan says it is "entirely possible" food producers are taking advantage of the poorest.



[Newcastle: St Mary's Cathedral lockdown gathering claims to be reviewed][뉴캐슬: 성모 마리아 대성당 봉쇄 모임이 재검토될 것이라는 주장]The Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency review is being supported by the Archbishop of Liverpool.Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency 검토는 리버풀 대주교의 지원을 받고 있습니다.



Newcastle: St Mary's Cathedral lockdown gathering claims to be reviewed

The Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency review is being supported by the Archbishop of Liverpool.



[Jacinda Ardern abuse 'abhorrent', says incoming NZ PM Chris Hipkins][저신다 아던 학대 '혐오', 차기 뉴질랜드 총리 크리스 힙킨스 발언]Chris Hipkins vows to protect his family from the treatment his predecessor, Jacinda Ardern, received.Chris Hipkins는 전임자 Jacinda Ardern이 받은 대우로부터 가족을 보호하겠다고 맹세합니다.



Jacinda Ardern abuse 'abhorrent', says incoming NZ PM Chris Hipkins

Chris Hipkins vows to protect his family from the treatment his predecessor, Jacinda Ardern, received.



[Former UK PM Boris Johnson makes trip to Ukraine][보리스 존슨 전 영국 총리, 우크라이나 방문]The former prime minister says it is a "privilege" to visit the country once more.전 총리는 다시 한 번 한국을 방문하는 것이 "특권"이라고 말했습니다.



Former UK PM Boris Johnson makes trip to Ukraine

The former prime minister says it is a "privilege" to visit the country once more.



