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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 01월 22일)

by 브래드조 2023. 1. 22.

오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[Nadhim Zahawi: Tax error was careless and not deliberate][Nadhim Zahawi: 세금 오류는 부주의하고 의도적이지 않았습니다.]Labour calls on the ex-chancellor to answer questions after he addresses "confusion" about his taxes.노동당은 세금에 대한 "혼란"을 언급한 후 전 총리에게 질문에 답할 것을 요구합니다.



Nadhim Zahawi: Tax error was careless and not deliberate

Labour calls on the ex-chancellor to answer questions after he addresses "confusion" about his taxes.



[UK steel industry a whisker away from collapse - Unite][영국 철강 산업, 붕괴 위기 - 단결]Unite has written a letter to the Business Secretary Grant Shapps seeking more government support.Unite는 Grant Shapps 비즈니스 장관에게 더 많은 정부 지원을 요청하는 편지를 썼습니다.



UK steel industry a whisker away from collapse - Unite

Unite has written a letter to the Business Secretary Grant Shapps seeking more government support.



[King Charles's coronation plans include Windsor concert][찰스 왕의 대관식 계획에는 윈저 콘서트가 포함됩니다.]The event to be broadcast live on the BBC is among the celebrations to mark the coronation in May.BBC에서 생중계되는 이 행사는 5월 대관식을 기념하는 축하 행사 중 하나입니다.



King Charles's coronation plans include Windsor concert

The event to be broadcast live on the BBC is among the celebrations to mark the coronation in May.



[People-smuggling boss who fled UK is arrested][영국 도피한 밀입국 보스 체포]Tarik Namik may have been involved in smuggling at least 1,900 migrants in 50 days, police say.Tarik Namik은 50일 동안 최소 1,900명의 이민자를 밀수입하는 데 연루되었을 수 있다고 경찰이 밝혔습니다.



People-smuggling boss who fled UK is arrested

Tarik Namik may have been involved in smuggling at least 1,900 migrants in 50 days, police say.



[Peru protests: Machu Picchu closed indefinitely and tourists stranded][페루 시위: 마추픽추는 무기한 폐쇄되고 관광객들은 좌초]Thousands of visitors to the tourist site have been stranded as violent protests rock the country.폭력적인 시위가 전국을 뒤흔들자 수천 명의 관광객들이 관광지를 찾지 못하고 발이 묶였습니다.



Peru protests: Machu Picchu closed indefinitely and tourists stranded

Hundreds of visitors who were left stranded at the popular Inca site have now been rescued.



[Sturgeon: I trust 16-year-olds to make decisions][철갑상어: 나는 16세 청소년이 결정을 내릴 것이라고 믿습니다]Nicola Sturgeon argues for debate on rights for teenagers, as she defends gender recognition plans.Nicola Sturgeon은 성별 인식 계획을 옹호하면서 십대의 권리에 대한 토론을 주장합니다.



Sturgeon: I trust 16-year-olds to make decisions

Nicola Sturgeon argues for debate on rights for teenagers, as she defends gender recognition plans.



[Miss Wales Darcey Corria seriously injured in M4 crash][미스 웨일즈 Darcey Corria가 M4 충돌로 중상을 입었습니다.]Darcey Corria suffered a broken pelvis and bones in her neck, say Miss Wales competition organisers.Darcey Corria는 골반과 목뼈가 부러지는 부상을 입었다고 미스 웨일스 대회 주최 측은 말했습니다.



Miss Wales Darcey Corria seriously injured in M4 crash

Darcey Corria suffered a broken pelvis and bones in her neck, say Miss Wales competition organisers.



[Joe Biden's chief of staff Ron Klain expected to step down - reports][조 바이든 비서실장 론 클라인 사퇴 예상]Ron Klain, who has spent decades as one of Mr Biden's top aides, could leave within weeks, reports say.바이든의 최고 보좌관 중 한 명으로 수십 년을 보낸 론 클라인이 몇 주 안에 떠날 수 있다고 보도가 전했습니다.



Joe Biden's chief of staff Ron Klain expected to step down

Ron Klain, who has spent decades as one of Mr Biden's top aides, could leave within weeks, reports say.



[Dartmoor protesters march over right to wild camp][다트무어 시위대, 와일드 캠프 오른쪽 행진]Environmental activists, families and scout groups protest against the loss of camping rights.환경 운동가, 가족 및 스카우트 그룹은 캠핑권 상실에 항의합니다.



Dartmoor protesters march over right to wild camp

Environmental activists, families and scout groups protest against the loss of camping rights.



[Buzz Aldrin marries for the fourth time, aged 93][버즈 올드린, 93세에 네 번째 결혼]The former US astronaut, who was the second man on the moon, married his partner in Los Angeles.두 번째로 달에 착륙한 전 미국 우주비행사는 로스앤젤레스에서 파트너와 결혼했습니다.



Buzz Aldrin marries for the fourth time, aged 93

The former US astronaut, who was the second man on the moon, married his partner in Los Angeles.



