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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 01월 18일)

by 브래드조 2023. 1. 18.

오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[Nicola Sturgeon says gender reform row will go to court]

[Nicola Sturgeon은 성 개혁 행이 법정에 갈 것이라고 말했습니다.]

Scotland's first minister says the courts will be asked to rule on whether the UK government can block the reforms.스코틀랜드의 첫 번째 장관은 영국 정부가 개혁을 막을 수 있는지 여부를 법원이 판결하도록 요청받을 것이라고 말했습니다.



Nicola Sturgeon says gender reform row will go to court

Scotland's first minister says the courts will be asked to rule on whether the UK government can block the reforms.



[Greta Thunberg detained at German coal protest][그레타 툰베리, 독일 석탄 시위에서 구금]The climate protester is held with a group who have been trying to stop the expansion of a coal mine.기후 시위자는 탄광 확장을 막으려는 단체와 함께 개최됩니다.



Greta Thunberg detained at German coal protest

The climate activist was briefly held with a group which opposes the expansion of a coal mine.



[David Carrick: More shocking cases may follow, Braverman warns][David Carrick: 더 충격적인 사건이 뒤따를 수 있다고 Braverman은 경고합니다.]The home secretary urges forces to root out corrupt officers after serial rapist David Carrick's case.내무장관은 연쇄 강간범 데이비드 캐릭 사건 이후 부패한 경찰관들을 근절할 것을 군대에 촉구했습니다.



David Carrick: More shocking cases may follow, Braverman warns

The home secretary urges forces to root out corrupt officers after serial rapist David Carrick's case.



[O2 Brixton Academy: Security levels in doubt on fatal crush evening][O2 Brixton Academy: 치명상을 입는 저녁에 의심스러운 보안 수준]The O2 Brixton Academy may not have employed enough security guards, a document seen by the BBC suggests.O2 Brixton Academy는 충분한 경비원을 고용하지 않았을 수 있다고 BBC가 본 문서에서 제안합니다.



O2 Brixton Academy: Security levels in doubt on fatal crush evening

The O2 Brixton Academy may not have employed enough security guards, a document seen by the BBC suggests.



[EU biometric border system faces more delays][EU 생체 인식 국경 시스템이 더 많은 지연에 직면]A new border control system, which was pushed back to May, has been delayed to the end of the year.5월로 미뤄졌던 새로운 국경통제제도가 연말로 연기됐다.



EU biometric border system faces more delays

A new border control system, which was pushed back to May, has been delayed to the end of the year.



[Strikes Update: How nurses' strikes on Wednesday will affect you][파업 업데이트: 수요일 간호사 파업이 당신에게 미치는 영향]What you need to know about the nurses' strike and other industrial action, by the BBC's Zoe Conway.BBC의 Zoe Conway가 간호사 파업 및 기타 쟁의 행위에 대해 알아야 할 사항.



Strikes Update: How nurses' strikes on Wednesday will affect you

What you need to know about the nurses' strike and other industrial action, by the BBC's Zoe Conway.



[Wolverhampton Wanderers 0-1 Liverpool: Harvey Elliott fires visitors into FA Cup fourth round][Wolverhampton Wanderers 0-1 리버풀 : Harvey Elliott, FA 컵 4 라운드 진출]Liverpool claim their first win since the turn of the year as Harvey Elliott's stunning strike fires the Reds past Wolves in their FA Cup third-round replay.리버풀은 FA컵 3라운드 리플레이에서 Harvey Elliott의 놀라운 스트라이크가 늑대를 제치고 Reds를 제치고 올해 전환기 이후 첫 승리를 거뒀습니다.



Elliott stunner fires Liverpool into fourth round

Liverpool claim their first win since the turn of the year as Harvey Elliott's stunning strike fires the Reds past Wolves in their FA Cup third-round replay.



[Paperchase hunts for buyer but prepares for insolvency][Paperchase는 구매자를 사냥하지만 파산을 준비합니다.]High Street stationery chain confirms it is hunting for buyer but talking to insolvency experts.High Street 편지지 체인은 구매자를 찾고 있지만 파산 전문가와 이야기하고 있음을 확인했습니다.



Paperchase hunts for buyer but prepares for insolvency

High Street stationery chain confirms it is hunting for buyer but talking to insolvency experts.



[Nadhim Zahawi facing questions about tax payment][납세 문제에 직면한 나딤 자하위]The ex-chancellor is under pressure over reports he will pay millions to settle a dispute with HMRC.전 총리는 HMRC와의 분쟁을 해결하기 위해 수백만 달러를 지불할 것이라는 보도에 대해 압박을 받고 있습니다.



Nadhim Zahawi facing questions about tax payment

The ex-chancellor is under pressure over reports he will pay millions to settle a dispute with HMRC.



[UK weather: Snow and ice causes travel chaos and shuts schools][영국 날씨: 눈과 얼음으로 인해 여행 혼란이 발생하고 학교가 문을 닫습니다.]Amber and yellow weather warnings for snow and ice are in place across the UK, as temperatures plummet.기온이 급감함에 따라 영국 전역에 눈과 얼음에 대한 황색 및 황색 기상 경보가 발령되었습니다.



UK weather: Snow and ice causes travel chaos and shuts schools

Amber and yellow weather warnings for snow and ice are in place across the UK, as temperatures plummet.



