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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 03월 28일)

by 브래드조 2023. 3. 28.

오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[Humza Yousaf succeeds Nicola Sturgeon as SNP leader][Humza Yousaf는 Nicola Sturgeon을 SNP 리더로 계승합니다.]Scotland's health secretary defeats rivals Kate Forbes and Ash Regan in a vote of party members.스코틀랜드의 보건 장관이 당원 투표에서 라이벌인 케이트 포브스와 애쉬 레이건을 물리쳤습니다.



Humza Yousaf succeeds Nicola Sturgeon as SNP leader

Scotland's health secretary defeats rivals Kate Forbes and Ash Regan in a vote of party members.



[Can Humza Yousaf unite the SNP?][Humza Yousaf가 SNP를 통합할 수 있습니까?]Humza Yousaf faces several challenges as he takes over as SNP leader and Scotland's first minister.Humza Yousaf는 SNP 지도자이자 스코틀랜드의 초대 장관으로 취임하면서 몇 가지 도전에 직면합니다.



Can Humza Yousaf unite the SNP?

Humza Yousaf faces several challenges as he takes over as SNP leader and Scotland's first minister.



[Israel protests: PM Netanyahu delays legal reforms after day of strikes][이스라엘 시위: 네타냐후 총리, 파업 당일 법적 개혁 연기]His proposed changes provoked an outpouring of anger from nearly all parts of Israeli society.그가 제안한 변화는 이스라엘 사회의 거의 모든 부분에서 분노를 불러일으켰습니다.



Israel protests: PM Netanyahu delays legal reforms after day of strikes

His proposed changes provoked an outpouring of anger from nearly all parts of Israeli society.



[Gwyneth Paltrow ski crash trial: Accuser heard 'blood-curdling scream'][기네스 팰트로 스키 충돌 재판: 고소인이 '피가 얼어붙는 비명'을 들었다]A man suing Gwyneth Paltrow over a ski crash says it sounded "like someone was out of control".스키 사고로 기네스 팰트로를 고소한 한 남성은 "누군가가 통제 불능인 것 같다"고 말했다.



Gwyneth Paltrow ski crash trial: Accuser heard 'blood-curdling scream'

A man suing Gwyneth Paltrow over a ski crash says it sounded "like someone was out of control".



[Teachers' strikes: NEU urges teachers to reject new pay deal][교사 파업: NEU, 교사들에게 새로운 임금 거래를 거부할 것을 촉구]Schools in England could face further strikes, as the NEU is unhappy with the government's offer.영국의 학교들은 NEU가 정부의 제안에 만족하지 않기 때문에 추가 파업에 직면할 수 있습니다.



Teachers' strikes: NEU urges teachers to reject new pay deal

Schools in England could face further strikes, as the NEU is unhappy with the government's offer.



[Five planets line up in night sky][밤하늘에 5개의 행성이 늘어서 있다]Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Uranus, Mars and the Moon aligned in an arc across the evening sky.수성, 목성, 금성, 천왕성, 화성, 달은 저녁 하늘을 가로질러 호를 그리며 일렬로 늘어서 있습니다.



Five planets line up with Moon in night sky

Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Uranus, Mars and the Moon aligned in an arc across the evening sky.



[Civil servants to strike in April][4월 공무원 파업]The PCS union said 130,000 members voted to strike on 28 April in a continued row over pay, pensions and job security.PCS 노조는 4월 28일 130,000명의 조합원이 급여, 연금, 고용 안정을 놓고 계속되는 파업에 투표했다고 말했습니다.



Civil servants to strike in April

The PCS union said 130,000 members voted to strike on 28 April in a continued row over pay, pensions and job security.



[Rotherham grooming survivor awarded £425k after suing rapist][Rotherham 그루밍 생존자는 강간범을 고소한 후 £ 425k를 받았습니다.]Liz says she is "proud" to have brought the action against the man who raped her as a teenager.리즈는 십대 때 자신을 성폭행한 남자에게 소송을 제기한 것이 "자랑스럽다"고 말했습니다.



Rotherham grooming survivor awarded £425k after suing rapist

Liz says she is "proud" to have brought the action against the man who raped her as a teenager.



[Prince Harry and Elton John appear at High Court in Associated Newspapers hearing][해리 왕자와 엘튼 존은 연합 신문 청문회에서 고등 법원에 출두]The Duke of Sussex has accused the publisher of the Daily Mail of unlawful information gathering.Duke of Sussex는 불법적인 정보 수집에 대해 Daily Mail 발행인을 고발했습니다.



Prince Harry and Elton John appear at High Court in Associated Newspapers hearing

The Duke of Sussex has accused the publisher of the Daily Mail of unlawful information gathering.



[Man uses bare hands to rescue trapped DRC miners][맨손으로 갇힌 DRC 광부 구출]Authorities say nine men survived a collapsed gold mine in South Kivu.당국은 남부 키부에서 붕괴된 금광에서 9명의 남성이 살아남았다고 말했습니다.



Man uses bare hands to rescue trapped DRC miners

Authorities say nine men survived a collapsed gold mine in South Kivu.



