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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 03월 15일)

by 브래드조 2023. 3. 15.

오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[Budget: Jeremy Hunt to expand free childcare to one and two-year-olds][예산: Jeremy Hunt는 무료 보육을 1세 및 2세까지 확대합니다.]The plans, aimed at encouraging parents to return to work, are expected to be announced in the Budget.부모의 직장 복귀를 장려하기 위한 계획은 예산안에서 발표될 것으로 예상됩니다.



Budget: Jeremy Hunt to expand free childcare to one and two-year-olds

The plans, aimed at encouraging parents to return to work, are expected to be announced in the Budget.



[US drone crashes after encounter with Russian jet][미국 드론, 러시아 제트기와 조우 후 추락]The US says the two aircraft collided over the Black Sea, but Russia says there was no contact.미국은 두 항공기가 흑해 상공에서 충돌했다고 밝혔지만 러시아는 접촉이 없었다고 밝혔습니다.



US drone crashes after encounter with Russian jet

The US says the two aircraft collided over the Black Sea, but Russia says there was no contact.



[US drone crash: A moment fraught with danger][미국 드론 추락: 위험이 도사린 순간]The encounter between a Russian jet and a US drone raises some difficult questions for President Biden.러시아 제트기와 미국 무인 항공기의 만남은 Biden 대통령에게 몇 가지 어려운 질문을 제기합니다.



US drone crash: A moment fraught with danger

The encounter between a Russian jet and a US drone raises some difficult questions for President Biden.



[Woman given eight-year jail term for false rape claims][허위 성폭행 주장한 여성에게 징역 8년 선고]The judge said Eleanor Williams' claims she was trafficked by an Asian gang were "complete fiction".판사는 엘레노어 윌리엄스(Eleanor Williams)가 아시아계 갱단에 의해 인신매매됐다는 주장은 "완전한 허구"라고 말했습니다.



Eleanor Williams jailed over false rape claims

The judge said Eleanor Williams' claims she was trafficked by an Asian gang were "complete fiction".



[Strikes Update: How Wednesday 15 March's strikes affect you][파업 업데이트: 3월 15일 수요일 파업이 귀하에게 미치는 영향]What you need to know about the various strikes in England by the BBC's Zoe Conway.BBC의 Zoe Conway가 영국의 다양한 파업에 대해 알아야 할 사항.



Strikes Update: How Wednesday 15 March's strikes affect you

What you need to know about the various strikes in England by the BBC's Zoe Conway.



[SNP candidates predict independence in five years][SNP 후보 5년 후 독립 예상]Ash Regan, Humza Yousaf and Kate Forbes were speaking as they faced each other in a BBC Scotland TV debate.Ash Regan, Humza Yousaf 및 Kate Forbes는 BBC Scotland TV 토론에서 서로 마주 보며 연설했습니다.



SNP candidates predict independence in five years

Ash Regan, Humza Yousaf and Kate Forbes were speaking as they faced each other in a BBC Scotland TV debate.



[Junior doctor strike: NHS chief says hospitals under major pressure][주니어 의사 파업 : NHS 책임자는 병원이 큰 압력을 받고 있다고 말합니다]Strikes coincide with busiest Monday of the year for some A&E departments, says NHS England boss.파업은 일부 A&E 부서에서 연중 가장 바쁜 월요일과 일치한다고 NHS 잉글랜드 사장은 말했습니다.



Junior doctor strike: NHS chief says hospitals under major pressure

Strikes coincide with busiest Monday of the year for some A&E departments, says NHS England boss.



[Manchester City 7-0 RB Leipzig (8-1 agg): Erling Haaland scores five as City cruise into quarter-finals][Manchester City 7-0 RB Leipzig (8-1 agg): Erling Haaland가 8강 진출 시 순항하면서 5득점]Erling Haaland scores five as Manchester City thrash RB Leipzig to reach the quarter-finals of the Champions League.엘링 홀란드가 5골을 터뜨리며 맨체스터 시티가 RB 라이프치히를 꺾고 챔피언스 리그 8강에 진출했습니다.



Haaland hits five as Man City reach quarter-finals

Erling Haaland scores five as Manchester City thrash RB Leipzig to reach the quarter-finals of the Champions League.



[Meta lay-offs: Facebook owner to cut 10,000 staff][메타 정리 해고 : Facebook 소유자가 10,000 명의 직원을 삭감합니다.]In addition to the culling of 10,000 jobs, 5,000 vacancies at the company will be left unfilled.10,000개의 일자리를 제거하는 것 외에도 회사의 5,000개의 공석이 채워지지 않은 상태로 남게 됩니다.



Meta lay-offs: Facebook owner to cut 10,000 staff

In addition to the culling of 10,000 jobs, 5,000 vacancies at the company will be left unfilled.



[John Caldwell : Tenth arrest over Omagh police shooting][존 콜드웰: 오마 경찰 총격 사건으로 10번째 체포]A 45-year-old man is arrested in Belfast in connection to the attempted murder of Det Ch Inspc John Caldwell.45세 남성이 Det Ch Inspc John Caldwell의 살해 미수와 관련하여 벨파스트에서 체포되었습니다.



John Caldwell : Tenth arrest over Omagh police shooting

A 45-year-old man is arrested in Belfast in connection to the attempted murder of Det Ch Inspc John Caldwell.



