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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 03월 10일)

by 브래드조 2023. 3. 10.

오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[Deadly shooting at Hamburg Jehovah's Witness hall][함부르크 여호와의 증인 회관에서 치명적인 총격 사건]Reports say at least six people have been killed and several have been injured in the attack.보도에 따르면 이번 공격으로 최소 6명이 숨지고 여러 명이 다쳤다.



Deadly shooting at Hamburg Jehovah's Witness hall

Reports say at least six people have been killed and several have been injured in the attack.



[Heavy snow and high winds bring treacherous travelling conditions][폭설과 강풍은 위험한 여행 조건을 가져옵니다]Motorists described being stuck for hours after heavy snow caused lane closures on the M62 motorway.운전자들은 폭설로 인해 M62 고속도로에서 차선이 폐쇄된 후 몇 시간 동안 갇혀 있었다고 설명했습니다.



Heavy snow and high winds to create treacherous conditions

Motorists are being warned to avoid travel unless absolutely necessary in the affected areas.



[Rishi Sunak to push Emmanuel Macron on efforts to stop small boat crossings][Rishi Sunak, 작은 보트 횡단을 막으려는 노력에 Emmanuel Macron을 밀어 붙이기]However, the two men are not expected to reach a deal on returning migrants to France.그러나 두 사람은 이민자들을 프랑스로 돌려보내는 데 합의할 것으로 예상되지 않습니다.



Rishi Sunak to push Emmanuel Macron on efforts to stop small boat crossings

However, the two men are not expected to reach a deal on returning migrants to France.



[Knighthood for Boris Johnson's father not wise, says minister][보리스 존슨의 아버지에 대한 기사 작위는 현명하지 않다고 장관은 말했습니다.]Ex-PM Boris Johnson reportedly has included his father Stanley on his resignation honours list.보리스 존슨 전 총리는 사임 영예 명단에 아버지 스탠리를 포함시킨 것으로 알려졌다.



Knighthood for Boris Johnson's father not wise, says minister

Ex-PM Boris Johnson reportedly has included his father Stanley on his resignation honours list.



[Mexico cartel turns in own men over US kidnappings][멕시코 카르텔, 미국 납치 사건에 대해 자신의 부하로 전환]A splinter group of the Gulf Cartel also reportedly apologised for the kidnapping of four Americans.걸프 카르텔의 파편 그룹도 미국인 4명의 납치에 대해 사과한 것으로 알려졌다.



Mexico cartel turns in own men over US kidnappings

A splinter group of the Gulf Cartel also reportedly apologised for the kidnapping of four Americans.



[Young homeowners most likely to face mortgage strain, watchdog says][젊은 주택 소유자는 모기지 부담에 직면할 가능성이 가장 높다고 Watchdog은 말합니다.]Some 356,000 borrowers could face repayment difficulties next year, the Financial Conduct Authority says.Financial Conduct Authority는 약 356,000명의 대출자가 내년에 상환에 어려움을 겪을 수 있다고 말했습니다.



Young homeowners most likely to face mortgage strain, watchdog says

Some 356,000 borrowers could face repayment difficulties next year, the Financial Conduct Authority says.



[European court at odds with British values, says Suella Braverman][Suella Braverman은 유럽 법원이 영국 가치와 상충한다고 말했습니다.]The home secretary's plans to stop small boat crossings could be challenged by the Strasbourg court.소형 보트 횡단을 중단하려는 내무장관의 계획은 스트라스부르 법원에서 이의를 제기할 수 있습니다.



European court at odds with British values, says Suella Braverman

The home secretary's plans to stop small boat crossings could be challenged by the Strasbourg court.



[Manchester United 4-1 Real Betis: Bruno Fernandes 'brilliant' in Europa League last-16 first-leg win][맨체스터 유나이티드 4-1 레알 베티스: 브루노 페르난데스, 유로파리그 16강 1차전 승리]Manchester United manager Erik ten Hag praises the brilliance of Bruno Fernandes in his side's dominant Europa League last-16 first-leg victory against Real Betis.맨체스터 유나이티드의 에릭 텐 하그 감독이 유로파리그 16강 1차전에서 레알 베티스를 상대로 압도적인 승리를 거둔 브루노 페르난데스의 탁월함을 칭찬했습니다.



'Brilliant' Fernandes leads perfect Man Utd response

Manchester United manager Erik ten Hag praises the brilliance of Bruno Fernandes in his side's dominant Europa League last-16 first-leg victory against Real Betis.



[HS2 line between Birmingham and Crewe delayed by two years][Birmingham과 Crewe 사이의 HS2 노선이 2년 연기됨]Transport secretary Mark Harper blamed soaring prices and says it was "committed" to the high speed rail link.마크 하퍼 교통부 장관은 치솟는 물가를 탓하며 고속철도 연결에 "약속"했다고 말했습니다.



HS2 line between Birmingham and Crewe delayed by two years

Transport secretary Mark Harper blamed soaring prices and says it was "committed" to the high speed rail link.



[Robert Blake, actor who was once tried for murder, dies at 89][한때 살인 혐의로 재판을 받았던 배우 로버트 블레이크가 89세로 사망했습니다.]The Hollywood actor's long career was overshadowed by accusations that he murdered his wife.할리우드 배우의 오랜 경력은 그가 아내를 살해했다는 비난으로 가려졌습니다.



Robert Blake, actor who was once tried for murder, dies at 89

The Hollywood actor's long career was overshadowed by accusations that he murdered his wife.



