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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 03월 08일)

by 브래드조 2023. 3. 8.

오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[Sunak says he is up for the fight on illegal Channel crossings][수낙은 불법 해협 횡단에 맞서 싸울 준비가 되었다고 말했습니다.]The prime minister says he is confident the government would win any legal battles over its new law.총리는 정부가 새로운 법을 둘러싼 어떤 법적 싸움에서도 이길 것이라고 확신한다고 말했습니다.



Sunak says he is up for the fight on illegal Channel crossings

The prime minister says he is confident the government would win any legal battles over its new law.



[Asylum seekers: Will this migrant bill become a reality?][망명 신청자: 이 이민 법안이 현실이 될까요?]The government has unveiled sweeping changes to asylum rules - but admits they may never come into force.정부는 망명 규칙에 대한 대대적인 변경 사항을 발표했지만 결코 발효되지 않을 수도 있음을 인정합니다.



[RMT members suspend strike action at Network Rail][RMT 회원들은 Network Rail에서 파업 행동을 중단합니다.]The announcement follows a new pay offer to the union - but other staff are still set to walk out.이 발표는 노조에 대한 새로운 급여 제안에 따른 것이지만 다른 직원들은 여전히 ​​파업할 예정입니다.



RMT members suspend strike action at Network Rail

The announcement follows a new pay offer to the union - but other staff are still set to walk out.



[Olivia Pratt-Korbel cried 'Mum I'm scared' before shooting - court][Olivia Pratt-Korbel은 총격 전 '엄마 무서워요'라고 외쳤습니다.]Thomas Cashman is accused of shooting dead nine-year-old Olivia Pratt-Korbel in her Liverpool home.Thomas Cashman은 리버풀의 자택에서 9세 소녀 Olivia Pratt-Korbel을 총으로 쏴 숨지게 한 혐의를 받고 있습니다.



Olivia Pratt-Korbel cried 'Mum I'm scared' before shooting - court

Thomas Cashman is accused of shooting dead nine-year-old Olivia Pratt-Korbel in her Liverpool home.



[Ukraine denies involvement in Nord Stream pipelines blast][우크라이나, Nord Stream 송유관 폭발 관련 사실 부인]A New York Times report says US officials believe a pro-Ukrainian group was behind last year's blasts.뉴욕 타임즈의 보도에 따르면 미국 관리들은 친우크라이나 그룹이 작년 폭발의 배후에 있다고 믿고 있습니다.



Ukraine denies involvement in Nord Stream pipelines blast

A New York Times report says US officials believe a pro-Ukrainian group was behind last year's blasts.



[Cardiff car crash: Hundreds attend St Mellons vigil][카디프 자동차 사고: 수백 명이 St Mellons 집회에 참석]Three of the group died following the crash, while two remain in a critical condition.그룹 중 3명은 추락 후 사망했고 2명은 여전히 ​​심각한 상태입니다.



Cardiff car crash: Hundreds attend St Mellons vigil

Three of the group died following the crash, while two remain in a critical condition.



[One fan's heartstopping go at getting Eurovision tickets][유로비전 티켓을 얻기 위해 가슴이 벅차오르는 한 팬]Josh from Romford goes through all the emotions to get tickets for this year's contest, but was he successful?Romford의 Josh는 올해 콘테스트 티켓을 얻기 위해 모든 감정을 겪었지만 성공했을까요?



One fan's heartstopping go at getting Eurovision tickets

Josh from Romford goes through all the emotions to get tickets for this year's contest, but was he successful?



[SNP rivals set out indyref2 plans in fiery TV debate][SNP 라이벌, 뜨거운 TV 토론에서 indyref2 계획 설정]Kate Forbes, Humza Yousaf and Ash Regan clash in the first SNP leadership TV debate.Kate Forbes, Humza Yousaf 및 Ash Regan이 첫 번째 SNP 리더십 TV 토론에서 충돌합니다.



SNP rivals set out indyref2 plans in TV debate

Kate Forbes, Humza Yousaf and Ash Regan clash in the first SNP leadership TV debate.



[In pictures: Snow blankets parts of the UK as cold snap starts][사진에서: 한파가 시작되면서 영국 일부 지역에 눈이 덮였습니다.]Snow covers Scotland and northern England as a cold snap sweeps across the country.한파가 전국을 휩쓸면서 눈이 스코틀랜드와 잉글랜드 북부를 덮고 있습니다.



In pictures: Snow blankets parts of the UK as cold snap starts

Snow covers Scotland and northern England as a cold snap sweeps across the country.



[Pupils missing school on Fridays as parents are at home, MPs told][학부모가 집에 있기 때문에 학생들이 금요일에 학교를 결석했다고 하원의원이 말했습니다.]"Huge" school absences when "mum and dad are at home", England's children's commissioner says."엄마와 아빠가 집에 있을 때" "엄청난" 학교 결석이 일어난다고 영국의 어린이 위원회는 말합니다.



Pupils missing school on Fridays as parents are at home, MPs told

"Huge" school absences when "mum and dad are at home", England's children's commissioner says.



