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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 02월 12일)

by 브래드조 2023. 2. 12.

오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[Turkey earthquake rescue: How two sisters were saved from the rubble][터키 지진 구조: 잔해에서 두 자매를 구한 방법]The BBC witnesses the hours-long rescue of Merve and Irem from a collapsed apartment block in Turkey.BBC는 터키의 무너진 아파트 블록에서 Merve와 Irem이 몇 시간 동안 구조되는 것을 목격합니다.



Turkey earthquake rescue: How two sisters were saved from the rubble

The BBC witnesses the hours-long rescue of Merve and Irem from a collapsed apartment block in Turkey.



[Turkey-Syria earthquake death toll passes 28,000 as rescue hopes dwindle][구조 희망이 줄어들면서 터키-시리아 지진 사망자 수 28,000명 돌파]Unrest in southern Turkey disrupted rescue efforts in some areas on Saturday, three aid groups say.터키 남부의 불안이 토요일 일부 지역의 구조 활동에 차질을 빚었다고 세 구호 단체가 밝혔습니다.



Turkey-Syria earthquake death toll passes 28,000 as rescue hopes dwindle

Unrest in southern Turkey disrupted rescue efforts in some areas on Saturday, three aid groups say.



[US and Canada military shoot down new unidentified object][미·캐나다군, 새로운 미확인 물체 격추]The flying object "violated airspace" over north-west Canada, says Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.쥐스탱 트뤼도 총리는 비행 물체가 캐나다 북서부 상공에서 "영공을 침범했다"고 말했습니다.



US and Canada military shoot down new unidentified object

The flying object "violated airspace" over north-west Canada, says Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.



[Brit Awards 2023: The eclectic outfits turning heads on the red carpet][브릿 어워즈 2023: 레드 카펫에서 시선을 사로잡는 절충주의 의상]From Harry Styles's giant corsage to Lizzo's gold ruffles - there were plenty of head-turning outfits.Harry Styles의 거대한 코사지부터 Lizzo의 골드 러플에 이르기까지 시선을 사로잡는 다양한 의상이 있었습니다.



Brit Awards 2023: The eclectic outfits turning heads on the red carpet

From Harry Styles's giant corsage to Lizzo's gold ruffles - there were plenty of head-turning outfits.



[Knowsley: Fifteen arrests over clash outside asylum seeker hotel][Knowsley: 망명 신청자 호텔 밖에서 발생한 충돌로 15명 체포]A police officer and two members of the public suffered minor injuries during the disorder.이 과정에서 경찰관 1명과 일반인 2명이 경미한 부상을 입었다.



Knowsley: Fifteen arrests over clash outside asylum seeker hotel

A police officer and two members of the public suffered minor injuries during the disorder.



[Laura Kuenssberg: Jets to Ukraine decision 'not easy' says Poland][Laura Kuenssberg: 우크라이나 결정 '쉽지 않다'로 제트기 폴란드는 말한다]Poland's president tells Laura Kuenssberg sending F-16 aircraft would be a "very serious decision".폴란드 대통령은 Laura Kuenssberg에게 F-16 항공기를 보내는 것은 "매우 심각한 결정"이 될 것이라고 말했습니다.



Laura Kuenssberg: Jets to Ukraine decision 'not easy' says Poland

Poland's president tells Laura Kuenssberg sending F-16 aircraft would be a "very serious decision".



[Pregnant Russian women flying to Argentina for citizenship, officials say][시민권 취득을 위해 아르헨티나로 날아가는 러시아 임신부들]The women are trying to ensure their children obtain Argentinian citizenship, officials say.이 여성들은 자녀들이 아르헨티나 시민권을 얻도록 하기 위해 노력하고 있다고 관리들은 말했습니다.



Pregnant Russian women flying to Argentina for citizenship, officials say

The women are trying to ensure their children obtain Argentinian citizenship, officials say.



[AKA shot dead: Top South African rapper killed with friend][AKA 총격 사망: 친구와 함께 사망한 남아공 최고의 래퍼]Police say Kiernan Forbes and Tebello Motsoane were killed at close range in the city of Durban.경찰은 Kiernan Forbes와 Tebello Motsoane이 더반 시에서 근거리에서 사망했다고 밝혔습니다.



AKA shot dead: Top South African rapper killed with friend

Police say Kiernan Forbes and Tebello Motsoane were killed at close range in the city of Durban.



[Six Nations 2023: Scotland 35-7 Wales - Townsend's men earn bonus point][식스네이션스 2023: 스코틀랜드 35-7 웨일스 - 타운센드의 선수들은 보너스 포인트를 얻습니다]Finn Russell-inspired Scotland sweep aside Wales 35-7 to win back-to-back games at the start of a Six Nations for the first time.Finn Russell의 영감을 받은 스코틀랜드가 웨일스를 35-7로 제압하고 처음으로 Six Nations가 시작될 때 연속 게임에서 승리했습니다.



Scotland blow away Wales to end Gatland hoodoo

Finn Russell-inspired Scotland sweep aside Wales 35-7 to win back-to-back games at the start of a Six Nations for the first time.



[Turkey-Syria earthquake: UK aid appeal raises more than £50m][터키-시리아 지진: 영국 원조 호소로 £50m 이상 모금]More than 24,000 people have now died after the two earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.터키와 시리아에서 발생한 두 차례의 지진으로 현재 24,000명 이상이 사망했습니다.



Turkey-Syria earthquake: UK aid appeal raises more than £50m

More than 24,000 people have now died after the two earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.



