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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 02월 06일)

by 브래드조 2023. 2. 6.

오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[Epsom College head found dead with husband and daughter, 7][엡솜 칼리지 교장 남편, 딸과 함께 숨진 채 발견, 7]The head of a private school in Surrey has been found dead along with her husband and seven-year-old daughter.서리의 한 사립학교 교장이 남편과 7살 난 딸과 함께 숨진 채 발견됐다.



Epsom College head found dead with husband and daughter, 7

The head of a private school in Surrey has been found dead along with her husband and seven-year-old daughter.



[New images show Nicola Bulley on day she disappeared][새로운 이미지는 Nicola Bulley가 사라진 날을 보여줍니다.]Doorbell footage of Nicola Bulley outside her home on the day she disappeared is shared with the BBC.사라진 날 집 밖에서 Nicola Bulley의 초인종 영상이 BBC와 공유됩니다.



Nicola Bulley: Friend shares images of missing mum on day she vanished

Doorbell footage of Nicola Bulley outside her home on the day she disappeared is shared with the BBC.



[Ukraine braced for renewed Russian offensive later in February][우크라이나, 2월 후반 러시아 공세 재개 준비]A large Russian attack is likely to come from the east and south, Kyiv says, but it has the reserves to repel it.Kyiv는 러시아의 대규모 공격이 동쪽과 남쪽에서 올 가능성이 있지만 이를 격퇴할 예비군이 있다고 말했습니다.



Ukraine braced for renewed Russian offensive later in February

A large Russian attack is likely to come from the east and south, Kyiv says, but it has the reserves to repel it.



[China balloon: US searches in Atlantic for wreckage][중국 기구: 미국, 대서양에서 난파선 수색]The US is trying recover debris from the suspected spy balloon that fell in shallow waters off South Carolina.미국은 사우스캐롤라이나 연안의 얕은 바다에 떨어진 것으로 의심되는 스파이 풍선의 잔해를 회수하려고 노력하고 있습니다.



China balloon: US searches in Atlantic for wreckage

The US is trying recover debris from the suspected spy balloon that fell in shallow waters off South Carolina.



[Truss's tax cuts clearly wrong approach, says Shapps][Truss의 세금 감면은 분명히 잘못된 접근 방식이라고 Shapps는 말합니다.]Grant Shapps, who briefly served in Liz Truss's cabinet, said inflation must fall before taxes are cut.Liz Truss 내각에서 잠깐 일했던 Grant Shapps는 세금이 인하되기 전에 인플레이션이 낮아져야 한다고 말했습니다.



Grant Shapps: Liz Truss's tax cuts were clearly the wrong approach

Grant Shapps, who briefly served in Liz Truss's cabinet, said inflation must fall before taxes are cut.



[How NHS strikes on Monday 6 February will affect you][2월 6일 월요일 NHS 파업이 당신에게 미치는 영향]What you need to know about strikes by nurses and ambulance workers by the BBC's Zoe Conway.BBC의 Zoe Conway가 간호사와 구급차 직원의 파업에 대해 알아야 할 사항.



How NHS strikes on Monday 6 February will affect you

What you need to know about strikes by nurses and ambulance workers by the BBC's Zoe Conway.



[Grammy Awards 2023: Viola Davis becomes an EGOT][그래미 어워드 2023: 비올라 데이비스, EGOT가 되다]The star is only the 18th person to win each of an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony Award.이 스타는 에미상, 그래미상, 오스카상, 토니상을 각각 수상한 18번째 인물입니다.



Grammy Awards 2023: Viola Davis becomes an EGOT

The star is only the 18th person to win each of an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony Award.



[Harry Kane: Tottenham striker overtakes Jimmy Greaves as Spurs' all-time top scorer][해리 케인: 토트넘 스트라이커가 지미 그리브스를 제치고 토트넘의 역대 최다 득점자]Harry Kane moves ahead of Jimmy Greaves to become Tottenham's all-time top goalscorer with his 267th goal for the club.해리 케인이 지미 그리브스를 제치고 토트넘 통산 267번째 골을 터뜨리며 토트넘 역대 최다 득점자가 됐다.



Kane passes Greaves as Spurs' all-time top scorer

Harry Kane moves ahead of Jimmy Greaves to become Tottenham's all-time top goalscorer with his 267th goal for the club.



[Rishi Sunak missing from NHS strike talks, says union boss][NHS 파업 협상에서 리시 수낙 실종]Unite's leader says the PM should intervene, ahead of the biggest week of walkouts in NHS history.Unite의 리더는 NHS 역사상 가장 큰 파업 주간을 앞두고 PM이 개입해야 한다고 말했습니다.



Rishi Sunak missing from NHS strike talks, says union boss

Unite's leader says the PM should intervene, ahead of the biggest week of walkouts in NHS history.



[Weekend avalanches kill 10 in Austria and Switzerland][주말 눈사태로 오스트리아와 스위스에서 10명 사망]Officials in western Austria warned winter sports enthusiasts of dangerous conditions in the area.서부 오스트리아의 관리들은 동계 스포츠 애호가들에게 이 지역의 위험한 상황에 대해 경고했습니다.



Weekend avalanches kill 10 in Austria and Switzerland

Officials in western Austria warned winter sports enthusiasts of dangerous conditions in the area.



