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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 01월 29일)

by 브래드조 2023. 1. 29.

오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[Tyre Nichols: Police unit is disbanded after death][타이어 니콜스: 경찰 부대는 사망 후 해산]The so-called Scorpion special unit will be disbanded after its officers were seen beating Mr Nichols.소위 스콜피온 특수 부대는 그 장교들이 니콜스 씨를 구타하는 것이 목격된 후 해산될 것입니다.



Tyre Nichols: Police unit is disbanded after death

The so-called Scorpion special unit will be disbanded after its officers were seen beating Mr Nichols.



[Flybe administration: Scramble to change plans after airline ceases trading][Flybe 관리: 항공사가 거래를 중단한 후 계획을 변경하기 위해 출격]The airline said it was ceasing trading and cancelling all flights, affecting 75,000 passengers.항공사는 거래를 중단하고 모든 항공편을 취소하여 75,000명의 승객에게 영향을 미쳤다고 말했습니다.



Flybe administration: Scramble to change plans after airline ceases trading

The airline said it was ceasing trading and cancelling all flights, affecting 75,000 passengers.



[Clare Drakeford: Wife of Wales' FM Mark Drakeford dies suddenly][클레어 드레이크포드: 웨일스의 FM 마크 드레이크포드의 아내가 갑자기 사망]Clare Drakeford, the wife of Wales' First Minister Mark Drakeford, has died suddenly.마크 드레이크포드 웨일스 제1장관의 부인 클레어 드레이크포드가 갑자기 세상을 떠났다.



Clare Drakeford: Wife of Wales' FM Mark Drakeford dies suddenly

Clare Drakeford, the wife of Wales' First Minister Mark Drakeford, has died suddenly.



[Richard Sharp: Boris Johnson was told to stop asking for loan advice][Richard Sharp: Boris Johnson은 대출 조언 요청을 중단하라는 지시를 받았습니다.]The then-PM was warned off talking to incoming BBC chairman Richard Sharp, the Sunday Times reports.선데이 타임즈는 당시 총리가 차기 BBC 회장 리차드 샤프와 대화하지 말라는 경고를 받았다고 보도했다.



Richard Sharp: Boris Johnson was told to stop asking for loan advice

The then-PM was warned off talking to incoming BBC chairman Richard Sharp, the Sunday Times reports.



[Jerusalem shooting: Israeli PM warns of 'swift' response after attacks][예루살렘 총격: 이스라엘 총리, 공격 후 '신속한' 대응 경고]Two separate attacks have left at least seven dead and five seriously injured.두 번의 별도 공격으로 최소 7명이 사망하고 5명이 중상을 입었습니다.



Jerusalem shooting: Israel proposes looser gun laws after attacks

Two separate attacks have left at least seven dead and five seriously injured.



[Tiffany Scott: Call to block trans prisoner's move to women's jail][Tiffany Scott: 트랜스젠더 수감자의 여성 교도소 이동을 차단하라는 요청]It is understood that Tiffany Scott - previously Andrew Burns - has applied for a transfer.이전 앤드류 번스였던 티파니 스콧이 이적을 신청한 것으로 알려졌다.



Tiffany Scott: Call to block trans prisoner's move to women's jail

It is understood that Tiffany Scott - previously Andrew Burns - has applied for a transfer.



[Hexham stabbing: Murder arrest after girl, 15, dies][Hexham 찌르기: 15세 소녀 사망 후 살인 체포]A 16-year-old boy is arrested on suspicion of murder following the stabbing in Northumberland.16세 소년이 노섬벌랜드에서 칼에 찔린 사건 이후 살인 혐의로 체포됩니다.



Hexham stabbing: Murder arrest after girl, 15, dies

A 16-year-old boy is arrested on suspicion of murder following the stabbing in Northumberland.



[Nadine Dorries broke rules with talk show role - watchdog][Nadine Dorries는 토크쇼 역할로 규칙을 깨뜨렸습니다.]The MP should have consulted Parliament's anti-corruption body before taking the job, a watchdog says.의원은 그 일을 맡기 전에 의회의 반부패 기구와 협의했어야 했다고 감시견은 말합니다.



Nadine Dorries broke rules with talk show role - watchdog

The MP should have consulted Parliament's anti-corruption body before taking the job, a watchdog says.



[British soldier accused of terror offences appears in court][테러 혐의로 기소된 영국군이 법정에 출두하다]Daniel Abed Khalife was charged on Friday over two incidents at RAF Stafford, including a bomb hoax.Daniel Abed Khalife는 폭탄 사기를 포함하여 RAF Stafford에서 두 건의 사건으로 금요일에 기소되었습니다.



British soldier accused of terror offences appears in court

Daniel Abed Khalife was charged on Friday over two incidents at RAF Stafford, including a bomb hoax.



[Auckland flooding: Three people dead after torrential rain in New Zealand][오클랜드 홍수: 뉴질랜드 폭우로 3명 사망]A torrential downpour in New Zealand's largest city prompts evacuations, power cuts and other chaos.뉴질랜드 최대 도시에 쏟아지는 폭우로 인해 대피, 정전 및 기타 혼란이 발생했습니다.



Auckland flooding: Three people dead after torrential rain in New Zealand

A torrential downpour in New Zealand's largest city prompts evacuations, power cuts and other chaos.



