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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 01월 28일)

by 브래드조 2023. 1. 28.

오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[Jerusalem synagogue attack: Seven killed in shooting][예루살렘 회당 공격: 총격으로 7명 사망]The victims are shot dead in a suspected militant attack at a synagogue in East Jerusalem.희생자들은 동예루살렘의 회당에서 무장 공격으로 의심되는 총에 맞아 숨졌습니다.



Jerusalem synagogue attack: Seven killed in shooting

The victims are shot dead in a suspected militant attack at a synagogue in East Jerusalem.



[London's West End: Man crushed by telescopic urinal dies][런던의 웨스트 엔드: 텔레스코픽 소변기에 짓눌린 남자 사망]The man had been working on the pop-up toilet, which is stored beneath the ground during the day.그 남자는 낮 동안 지하에 보관되어 있는 팝업 변기 작업을 하고 있었다.



London's West End: Man crushed by telescopic urinal dies

The man had been working on the pop-up toilet, which is stored beneath the ground during the day.



[Dominic Raab: More civil servants planned to lodge complaints][Dominic Raab: 더 많은 공무원이 불만을 제기할 예정입니다.]The BBC understands some workers pulled out after they were told they would be identified to Dominic Raab.BBC는 일부 근로자가 Dominic Raab과 동일시될 것이라는 말을 듣고 철수한 것으로 알고 있습니다.



Dominic Raab: More civil servants planned to lodge complaints

The BBC understands some workers pulled out after they were told they would be identified to Dominic Raab.



[County lines: How a child’s phones helped smash a trafficking gang][카운티 경계선: 어린이의 전화가 인신매매 조직을 소탕하는 데 어떻게 도움이 되었는가]Six members of a county lines gang are jailed for trafficking a teenage drug runner.카운티 경계선 갱단원 6명이 10대 마약 밀매자를 인신매매한 혐의로 수감되었습니다.



County lines: How a child’s phones helped smash a trafficking gang

Six members of a county lines gang are jailed for trafficking a teenage drug runner.



[Firefighter dies after Jenners blaze in Edinburgh][에든버러에서 Jenners 화재 후 소방관 사망]Barry Martin was injured in a fire at the former department store in Edinburgh on Monday.배리 마틴은 월요일 에딘버러의 옛 백화점에서 화재로 부상을 입었습니다.



Firefighter dies after Jenners blaze in Edinburgh

Barry Martin was injured in a fire at the former department store in Edinburgh on Monday.



[Laura Winham death: Family battled privacy law as sister lay dead][로라 윈햄 사망: 자매가 사망하면서 가족이 사생활 보호법과 싸웠다]Laura Winham had refused contact with her family, who she thought were trying to harm her.Laura Winham은 자신을 해치려 한다고 생각한 가족과의 연락을 거부했습니다.



Laura Winham death: Family battled privacy law as sister lay dead

Laura Winham had refused contact with her family, who she thought were trying to harm her.



[Razzies 2023: Drew Barrymore calls child actor's nomination bullying][Razzies 2023: Drew Barrymore는 아역 배우의 지명 왕따를 부릅니다.]The former child actor said Ryan Keira Armstrong should never have been up for consideration.전직 아역 배우는 Ryan Keira Armstrong이 결코 고려 대상이 아니어야 했다고 말했습니다.



Razzies 2023: Drew Barrymore calls child actor's nomination bullying

The former child actor said Ryan Keira Armstrong should never have been up for consideration.



[Jeremy Hunt says significant tax cuts in Budget unlikely][Jeremy Hunt는 예산에서 상당한 감세 가능성이 없다고 말했습니다.]The chancellor, who outlined a growth plan, says there will be little room for cuts in March.성장 계획의 윤곽을 잡은 총리는 3월에 삭감의 여지가 거의 없을 것이라고 말했습니다.



Jeremy Hunt says significant tax cuts in Budget unlikely

The chancellor, who outlined a growth plan, says there will be little room for cuts in March.



[Andrew Tate: Judge explains extended detention of 'dangerous' influencer][앤드류 테이트: 판사가 '위험한' 인플루언서의 장기 구금을 설명하다]The statement is the clearest indication yet of the evidence against the British-American influencer.이 진술은 영국계 미국인 인플루언서에 대한 증거의 가장 명확한 표시입니다.



Andrew Tate: Judge explains extended detention of 'dangerous' influencer

The statement is the clearest indication yet of the evidence against the British-American influencer.



[Bodycam footage shows moment of Paul Pelosi attack][Bodycam 영상은 Paul Pelosi 공격의 순간을 보여줍니다]A US court authorised the release of video from the October 2022 assault on Nancy Pelosi's husband.미국 법원은 낸시 펠로시의 남편에 대한 2022년 10월 폭행 동영상 공개를 승인했습니다.



Bodycam footage shows moment of Paul Pelosi attack

A US court authorised the release of video from the October 2022 assault on Nancy Pelosi's husband.



