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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 01월 21일)

by 브래드조 2023. 1. 21.

오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[Rishi Sunak fined for not wearing seatbelt in back of car][리시 수낙, 뒷자리에서 안전벨트 미착용 벌금형]The PM says he will pay a £100 fine for breaking the law while he filmed a video in a moving car.총리는 움직이는 차 안에서 비디오를 촬영하는 동안 법을 어긴 것에 대해 100파운드의 벌금을 내겠다고 말했습니다.



[Thousands of treatments lost during nurse strikes][간호사 파업으로 수천 건의 치료 중단]Hospitals report having to reschedule 10% to 20% of clinics during two-day walkout in England.병원은 영국에서 2일간의 파업 동안 진료소의 10~20% 일정을 변경해야 한다고 보고했습니다.



Thousands of treatments lost during nurse strikes

Hospitals report having to reschedule 10% to 20% of clinics during two-day walkout in England.



[Labour calls for Nadhim Zahawi to be sacked over tax claims][노동당, 세금 청구로 나딤 자하위 해고 요구]The Tory Party chair is facing fresh questions about claims he tried to avoid paying millions in tax.보수당 의장은 그가 수백만 달러의 세금을 내지 않으려고 했다는 주장에 대해 새로운 질문에 직면해 있습니다.



Labour calls for Nadhim Zahawi to be sacked over tax claims

The Tory Party chair is facing fresh questions about claims he tried to avoid paying millions in tax.



[Stagecoach co-founder charged with human trafficking ][역마차 공동 창업자, 인신매매 혐의로 기소]The Stagecoach co-founder, her husband and two members of her family strongly deny the allegations.Stagecoach 공동 창립자, 그녀의 남편 및 그녀의 가족 2명은 혐의를 강력히 부인하고 있습니다.



Stagecoach co-founder Dame Ann Gloag charged with human trafficking offences

The Stagecoach co-founder, her husband and two members of her family strongly deny the allegations.



[Chris Hipkins set to replace Jacinda Ardern as New Zealand PM][크리스 힙킨스, 저신다 아던 후임 뉴질랜드 총리로 내정]The education and police minister will replace Jacinda Ardern following her decision to quit.저신다 아던의 사임 결정에 따라 교육·경찰 장관이 후임이 된다.



Chris Hipkins set to replace Jacinda Ardern as New Zealand PM

The education and police minister will replace Jacinda Ardern following her decision to quit.



[Frimley Park NHS: Girl secures £39m after hospital meningitis error][Frimley Park NHS: 소녀는 병원 수막염 오류 후 £39m 확보]The girl's family argued she would not have lost her limbs if she had been treated urgently.소녀의 가족은 소녀가 긴급히 치료를 받았더라면 팔다리를 잃지 않았을 것이라고 주장했습니다.



Frimley Park NHS: Girl secures £39m after hospital meningitis error

The girl's family argued she would not have lost her limbs if she had been treated urgently.



[Alabama man secretly helped pay strangers' prescriptions for years][앨라배마주 남성, 수년간 낯선 사람의 처방전 지불을 비밀리에 도왔다]Every month for 10 years, Hody Childress quietly gave $100 to a pharmacy to help people in need.10년 동안 매달 Hody Childress는 도움이 필요한 사람들을 돕기 위해 조용히 약국에 $100를 기부했습니다.



Alabama man secretly helped pay strangers' prescriptions for years

Every month for 10 years, Hody Childress quietly gave $100 to a pharmacy to help people in need.



[Archbishop will not give new prayer blessing for gay couples][대주교, 동성커플 위해 새 기도축복 안해]The archbishop says he supports the changes, but has a responsibility "for the whole communion".대주교는 자신이 변화를 지지하지만 "전체 친교에 대한" 책임이 있다고 말했습니다.



Archbishop will not give new prayer blessing for gay couples

The archbishop says he supports the changes, but has a responsibility "for the whole communion".



[Ukraine war: Germany yet to make decision on sending tanks][우크라이나 전쟁: 독일은 아직 탱크 파견에 대한 결정을 내리지 않았습니다.]Berlin denies it is preventing countries from donating Leopard 2s, but Poland criticises its "hesitation".베를린은 각국이 레오파드 2를 기부하는 것을 막고 있다고 부인했지만 폴란드는 "주저"를 비판했습니다.



Ukraine war: Germany yet to make decision on sending tanks

Berlin denies it is preventing countries from donating Leopard 2s, but Poland criticises its "hesitation".



[Lloyds and Halifax to close 40 more bank branches][Lloyds와 Halifax, 은행 지점 40개 추가 폐쇄]As more people bank online, footfall in physical branches has dropped, says Lloyds Banking Group.Lloyds Banking Group은 더 많은 사람들이 온라인 뱅킹을 함에 따라 물리적 지점의 발판이 줄어들었다고 말합니다.



Lloyds and Halifax to close 40 more bank branches

As more people bank online, footfall in physical branches has dropped, says Lloyds Banking Group.



