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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 01월 20일)

by 브래드조 2023. 1. 20.

오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[Beth Matthews: Blogger who took poisonous substance failed by hospital][Beth Matthews: 독성 물질을 복용한 블로거는 병원에서 실패했습니다.]High-risk patient Beth Matthews, 26, was given "inadequate care" before her death, an inquest rules.26세의 고위험 환자 베스 매튜스(Beth Matthews)는 사망하기 전에 "부적절한 치료"를 받았다고 검시 규정이 있습니다.



Beth Matthews: Blogger who took poisonous substance failed by hospital

High-risk patient Beth Matthews, 26, was given "inadequate care" before her death, an inquest rules.



[Three women died at Priory psychiatric unit in two months][수도회 정신과에서 두 달 동안 세 명의 여성이 사망했습니다.]Two other women died at the same hospital as blogger Beth Matthews weeks before her death, the BBC finds.BBC는 그녀가 죽기 몇 주 전에 블로거 베스 매튜스와 같은 병원에서 두 명의 다른 여성이 사망했다고 밝혔다.



Three women died at Priory psychiatric unit in two months

Two other women died at the same hospital as blogger Beth Matthews weeks before her death, the BBC finds.



[US rock legend David Crosby dies aged 81][미국 록의 전설 데이비드 크로스비, 향년 81세로 사망]Crosby, who co-founded both the Byrds and Crosby, Stills and Nash, had been ill for some time.Byrds와 Crosby, Stills 및 Nash를 공동 창립한 Crosby는 한동안 몸이 아팠습니다.



US rock legend David Crosby dies aged 81

Crosby, who co-founded both the Byrds and Crosby, Stills and Nash, had been ill for some time.



[Rishi Sunak's failure to wear seat belt to be investigated][리시 수낙, 안전벨트 미착용 조사]The prime minister has apologised for removing his seat belt while filming a clip for social media.총리는 소셜 미디어 클립을 촬영하는 동안 안전 벨트를 벗은 것에 대해 사과했습니다.



Rishi Sunak's failure to wear seat belt to be investigated

The prime minister has apologised for removing his seat belt while filming a clip for social media.



[Alec Baldwin to be charged with involuntary manslaughter over Rust shooting][알렉 볼드윈, 러스트 총격 사건에 따른 과실치사 혐의로 기소]A crew member will also be charged with involuntary manslaughter over the death of Halyna Hutchins.승무원 한 명도 할리나 허친스의 죽음에 대한 비자발적 살인 혐의로 기소될 예정이다.



Alec Baldwin to be charged with involuntary manslaughter over Rust shooting

A crew member will also be charged with involuntary manslaughter over the death of Halyna Hutchins.



[Andy Murray wins Australian Open epic at 4am][Andy Murray, 오전 4시에 호주 오픈 서사시 우승]Andy Murray produces one of his best fightbacks from two sets down to beat Thanasi Kokkinakis in an epic Australian Open match finishing at 04:05 local time.Andy Murray는 현지 시간으로 04:05에 끝나는 장대한 호주 오픈 경기에서 Thanasi Kokkinakis를 꺾기 위해 2세트에서 자신의 최고의 역습 중 하나를 생산합니다.



Incredible Murray wins Australian Open epic at 4am

Andy Murray produces one of his best fightbacks from two sets down to beat Thanasi Kokkinakis in an epic Australian Open match finishing at 04:05 local time.



[Beano's Bash Street Kids artist David Sutherland dies][Beano의 Bash Street Kids 아티스트 David Sutherland 사망]David Sutherland also illustrated Dennis the Menace cartoons during a long career at the comic.David Sutherland는 또한 만화에서 오랜 경력을 쌓는 동안 Dennis the Menace 만화를 그렸습니다.



Beano's Bash Street Kids artist David Sutherland dies

David Sutherland also illustrated Dennis the Menace cartoons during a long career at the comic.



[Ukraine: European countries to donate more heavy weapons][우크라이나: 유럽 국가들, 더 많은 중화기 기증]Nine European nations promise more artillery and missiles, ahead of a major donor conference on Friday.유럽 ​​9개국은 금요일 주요 기부자 회의를 앞두고 더 많은 대포와 미사일을 약속했습니다.



Ukraine: European countries to donate more heavy weapons

Nine European nations promise more artillery and missiles, ahead of a major donor conference on Friday.



[Julian Sands: British actor's car found in California search][Julian Sands: 영국 배우의 자동차 캘리포니아 검색에서 발견]Julian Sands, 65, was last seen hiking in the San Gabriel mountains last week during bad weather.65세의 줄리안 샌즈(Julian Sands)는 악천후 속에서 지난주 산 가브리엘 산에서 하이킹을 하는 모습을 마지막으로 목격했습니다.



Julian Sands: British actor's car found in California search

Julian Sands, 65, was last seen hiking in the San Gabriel mountains last week during bad weather.



[Netflix: Reed Hastings steps down but subscribers jump][Netflix: Reed Hastings는 물러나지만 가입자는 증가합니다.]The streaming service is attracting new customers as co-founder Reed Hastings hands over the reins.스트리밍 서비스는 공동 창립자 Reed Hastings가 고삐를 넘기면서 새로운 고객을 유치하고 있습니다.



Netflix: Reed Hastings steps down but subscribers jump

The streaming service is attracting new customers as co-founder Reed Hastings hands over the reins.



