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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 01월 17일)

by 브래드조 2023. 1. 17.

오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[David Carrick: Met investigating 800 officers over abuse claims][David Carrick: 학대 주장에 대해 800명의 경찰관을 조사했습니다.]Sir Mark Rowley apologises for failings in the case of PC David Carrick, who admitted 49 offences.Mark Rowley 경은 49건의 범죄를 인정한 PC David Carrick 사건의 실패에 대해 사과합니다.



Met chief says 800 officers investigated over sexual and domestic abuse claims

Sir Mark Rowley apologises for failings in the case of PC David Carrick, who admitted 49 offences.



[UK government to block Scottish gender bill][영국 정부, 스코틀랜드 성법안 막는다]It will be the first time ministers in London have used powers to stop a Scottish bill from becoming law.런던의 장관들이 스코틀랜드 법안이 통과되는 것을 막기 위해 권한을 행사한 것은 이번이 처음입니다.



UK government to block Scottish gender bill

It will be the first time ministers in London have used powers to stop a Scottish bill from becoming law.



[Teachers to strike in England and Wales][잉글랜드와 웨일즈에서 교사 파업]The NEU union announces seven strike days, but says each school will face only four days of disruption.NEU 노조는 7일의 파업을 발표했지만 각 학교는 단 4일의 혼란에 직면할 것이라고 말했습니다.



Teachers to strike in England and Wales

The NEU union announces seven strike days, but says each school will face only four days of disruption.



[Ukraine: Military hardware donations weaken Army - UK chief][우크라이나: 군사 하드웨어 기부로 육군 약화]Head of British Army gives backing to plan but raises concerns in internal message seen by the BBC.영국 육군 수장은 계획을 지지하지만 BBC가 본 내부 메시지에 우려를 제기합니다.



Ukraine: Military hardware donations weaken Army - UK chief

Head of British Army gives backing to plan but raises concerns in internal message seen by the BBC.



[Bank of England governor warns of Truss hangover effect][잉글랜드 은행 총재, 트러스 숙취 효과 경고]The UK still needs to rebuild its economic reputation around the world, says Andrew Bailey.영국은 여전히 ​​전 세계적으로 경제적 명성을 재건해야 한다고 앤드류 베일리는 말합니다.



Bank of England governor warns of Truss hangover effect

The UK still needs to rebuild its economic reputation around the world, says Andrew Bailey.



[Andrew Tate: Bodyguard says 'Some girls thought they'd be his next wife'][Andrew Tate: 보디가드가 '몇몇 소녀들은 자신이 그의 다음 아내가 될 것이라고 생각했습니다'라고 말했습니다.]The British-US influencer is in custody over human trafficking and rape allegations, which he denies.영국계 미국인 인플루언서는 인신매매와 강간 혐의로 구금되어 있지만 부인하고 있습니다.



Andrew Tate: Bodyguard says 'Some girls thought they'd be his next wife'

The British-US influencer is in custody over human trafficking and rape allegations, which he denies.



[Nurses' strike: New dates as union escalates dispute][간호사 파업: 노조가 분쟁을 확대함에 따라 새로운 날짜]Two days of action - on 6 and 7 February - are announced in England and Wales, in the biggest walkout yet.2월 6일과 7일 이틀간의 행동이 잉글랜드와 웨일즈에서 발표되어 사상 최대 규모의 파업을 하게 됩니다.



Nurses' strike: New dates as union escalates dispute

Two days of action - on 6 and 7 February - are announced in England and Wales, in the biggest walkout yet.



[Shock at image of Ukraine kitchen wrecked by attack][공격으로 망가진 우크라이나 주방 이미지에 충격]The stark images shows a family kitchen with its external wall ripped off by a Russian missile strike.극명한 이미지는 러시아 미사일 공격으로 외벽이 찢어진 가족 주방을 보여줍니다.



Ukraine yellow kitchen: Shock at image of apartment wrecked by strike

The stark images shows a family kitchen with its external wall ripped off by a Russian missile strike.



[Nepal plane crash: Briton among dozens who died][네팔 비행기 추락: 사망한 수십 명 중 영국인]The person was originally named as Irish, but was believed to travelling on a UK passport.그 사람은 원래 아일랜드인으로 지명되었지만 영국 여권으로 여행하는 것으로 여겨졌습니다.



Nepal plane crash: Briton among dozens who died

The person was originally named as Irish, but was believed to travelling on a UK passport.



[Italy's most-wanted Mafia boss Matteo Messina Denaro arrested in Sicily][이탈리아 마피아 두목 마테오 메시나 데나로, 시칠리아에서 체포]Matteo Messina Denaro, Italy's most-wanted Mafia boss, is captured after 30 years on the run.이탈리아에서 가장 지명수배된 마피아 두목 마테오 메시나 데나로가 30년 만에 체포된다.



Italy's most-wanted Mafia boss Matteo Messina Denaro arrested in Sicily

Matteo Messina Denaro, Italy's most-wanted Mafia boss, is captured after 30 years on the run.



