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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 03월 14일)

by 브래드조 2023. 3. 14.

오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[Police drop most complaints of officer violence against women, figures show][경찰은 여성에 대한 경찰의 폭력에 대한 대부분의 불만을 기각, 수치는 보여줍니다]Complaints about officers' treatment of women are highly unlikely to result in action, say police chiefs.경찰관의 여성 처우에 대한 불만이 조치로 이어질 가능성은 거의 없다고 경찰서장은 말합니다.



Police drop most complaints of officer violence against women, figures show

Complaints about officers' treatment of women are highly unlikely to result in action, say police chiefs.



[Aukus deal: US, UK and Australia agree on nuclear submarine project][Aukus 거래 : 미국, 영국 및 호주가 핵 잠수함 프로젝트에 동의]The US, UK and Australia say new nuclear-powered submarines will help ensure stability in the Pacific.미국, 영국, 호주는 새로운 원자력 잠수함이 태평양의 안정을 보장하는 데 도움이 될 것이라고 말합니다.



Aukus deal: US, UK and Australia agree on nuclear submarine project

The US, UK and Australia say new nuclear-powered submarines will help ensure stability in the Pacific.



[BBC crew and aid workers under fire in Ukraine][우크라이나에서 총격을 받고 있는 BBC 승무원과 구호 활동가들]The team was following a group of local volunteers delivering aid packages to villages.팀은 마을에 구호품을 전달하는 지역 자원봉사자 그룹을 따라가고 있었습니다.



BBC crew and aid workers under fire in Ukraine

The team was following a group of local volunteers delivering aid packages to villages.



[Silicon Valley Bank: Global bank stocks slump despite Biden reassurances][실리콘 밸리 은행 : Biden의 안심에도 불구하고 글로벌 은행 주식 폭락]US authorities have stepped in to protect customers after the collapse of two American banks.미국 당국은 두 개의 미국 은행이 무너진 후 고객을 보호하기 위해 개입했습니다.



Silicon Valley Bank: Global bank stocks slump despite Biden reassurances

US authorities have stepped in to protect customers after the collapse of two American banks.



[Baroness Masham, Paralympian and longest serving female peer, dies aged 87][패럴림피언이자 최장수 여성 피어인 바로네스 매샴이 87세의 나이로 사망]Baroness Masham competed at three Paralympic games and campaigned for disability rights.Baroness Masham은 세 번의 패럴림픽 경기에 출전했고 장애인 권리를 위해 캠페인을 벌였습니다.



Baroness Masham, Paralympian and longest serving female peer, dies aged 87

Baroness Masham competed at three Paralympic games and campaigned for disability rights.



[Tiny data centre used to heat public swimming pool][공공 수영장 난방에 사용되는 작은 데이터 센터]The heat generated by the small box of powerful computers is enough to heat the pool about 60% of the time.강력한 컴퓨터의 작은 상자에서 발생하는 열은 약 60%의 시간 동안 수영장을 가열하기에 충분합니다.



Tiny data centre used to heat public swimming pool

The heat generated by the small box of powerful computers is enough to heat the pool about 60% of the time.



[Gary Glitter: Paedophile former pop star recalled to prison][게리 글리터: 전직 팝스타 소아성애자 감옥으로 소환]The singer, whose real name is Paul Gadd, was jailed in 2015 for sexually abusing three schoolgirls.본명이 Paul Gadd인 가수는 2015년 여학생 3명을 성폭행한 혐의로 투옥되었습니다.



Gary Glitter: Paedophile former pop star recalled to prison

The singer, whose real name is Paul Gadd, was jailed in 2015 for sexually abusing three schoolgirls.



[NYC bike path killer spared death penalty][NYC 자전거 도로 살인범 사형 면제]Sayfullo Saipov will spend life in prison for the city's deadliest terrorist attack since 9/11.Sayfullo Saipov는 9/11 이후 도시에서 가장 치명적인 테러 공격으로 종신형을 선고받게 됩니다.



NYC bike path killer Sayfullo Saipov spared death penalty

Sayfullo Saipov will spend life in prison for the city's deadliest terrorist attack since 9/11.



[King Charles makes first appearance on special stamps][찰스 왕, 특별 우표에 첫 등장]The first new stamps bearing the King's head likely to be seen by the public are revealed by Royal Mail.대중이 볼 가능성이 있는 왕의 머리가 새겨진 최초의 새 우표가 Royal Mail에 의해 공개됩니다.



King Charles makes first appearance on special stamps

The first new stamps bearing the King's head likely to be seen by the public are revealed by Royal Mail.



[Gary Lineker to return to Match of the Day as BBC's Tim Davie denies climbdown][Gary Lineker는 BBC의 Tim Davie가 등반을 거부함에 따라 오늘의 경기로 돌아갑니다.]Director general Tim Davie says the BBC will carry out an independent review into its social media rules.팀 데이비 사무총장은 BBC가 소셜 미디어 규칙에 대해 독립적인 검토를 수행할 것이라고 말했습니다.



Gary Lineker to return to Match of the Day as BBC's Tim Davie denies climbdown

Director general Tim Davie says the BBC will carry out an independent review into its social media rules.



