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국제 뉴스 정리 (2023년 02월 24일)

by 브래드조 2023. 2. 24.

오늘의 주요 국제 뉴스 정리본 입니다.


[Omagh police attack: John Caldwell 'has suffered life-changing injuries'][Omagh 경찰 공격: John Caldwell은 '인생을 바꾸는 부상을 입었습니다']Det Ch Insp John Caldwell is critically ill after being shot multiple times in Omagh.Det Ch Insp John Caldwell은 Omagh에서 여러 번 총에 맞아 중태에 빠졌습니다.



Omagh police attack: John Caldwell 'has suffered life-changing injuries'

Det Ch Insp John Caldwell is critically ill after being shot multiple times in Omagh.



[Ukraine war: UN condemns Russian invasion ahead of anniversary][우크라이나 전쟁: 유엔, 기념일 앞두고 러시아 침공 규탄]The resolution is approved by 141 countries, with just seven - including Russia - opposing it.이 결의안은 141개국이 승인했으며 러시아를 포함해 단 7개국만이 반대했다.



Ukraine war: UN condemns Russian invasion ahead of anniversary

The resolution is approved by 141 countries, with just seven - including Russia - opposing it.



[Move faster to help Ukraine, Rishi Sunak to urge allies][우크라이나를 돕기 위해 더 빨리 움직이고 Rishi Sunak은 동맹국을 촉구합니다.]The PM will say Ukraine needs more support, at a G7 meeting to mark a year since Russia's invasion.총리는 러시아 침공 1년을 기념하는 G7 회의에서 우크라이나에 더 많은 지원이 필요하다고 말할 것입니다.



Move faster to help Ukraine, Rishi Sunak to urge allies

The PM will say Ukraine needs more support, at a G7 meeting to mark a year since Russia's invasion.



[Reading rugby player wins compensation over revenge tackle][리딩 럭비 선수, 복수 태클 보상 받아]Dani Czernuszka suffered a permanent spinal injury when her opponent executed a "red mist" tackle.Dani Czernuszka는 상대방이 "붉은 안개" 태클을 했을 때 영구적인 척추 부상을 입었습니다.



Reading rugby player wins compensation over revenge tackle

Dani Czernuszka suffered a permanent spinal injury when her opponent executed a "red mist" tackle.



[Rihanna to perform Lift Me Up at the Oscars][Rihanna, 오스카에서 Lift Me Up 공연]The performance comes on the heels of her solo Super Bowl halftime show earlier this month.이 공연은 이달 초 그녀의 단독 슈퍼볼 하프타임 쇼에 이어 나온 것입니다.



Rihanna to perform Lift Me Up at the Oscars

The performance comes on the heels of her solo Super Bowl halftime show earlier this month.



[John Motson: Legendary commentator was a 'remarkable' character, says ex-England captain Gary Lineker][존 못슨: 전설적인 해설자는 '놀라운' 인물이었다고 전 잉글랜드 주장 게리 리네커는 말했습니다.]Legendary commentator John Motson was "the voice of football" who "always got the mood and the occasion right", says former England striker Gary Lineker.전설적인 해설자 John Motson은 "항상 분위기와 상황을 적절하게 파악한" "축구의 목소리"였다고 전 잉글랜드 스트라이커 Gary Lineker는 말합니다.



'A sad day for football'- Lineker leads Motson tributes

Legendary commentator John Motson was "the voice of football" who "always got the mood and the occasion right", says former England striker Gary Lineker.



[Weinstein begs for mercy as he is sentenced for another rape][와인스타인, 또다시 성폭행 혐의로 선고받자 자비를 구하다]The former film magnate received an additional 16 years in prison following his Los Angeles trial.전직 영화계 거물인 그는 로스앤젤레스에서 재판을 받은 후 추가로 16년형을 선고 받았습니다.



Weinstein begs for mercy as he is sentenced for another rape

The former film magnate receives an additional 16 years in prison following his Los Angeles trial.



[Zara Aleena murder: Raab seeks to force convicts to appear at sentencing][Zara Aleena 살인: Raab은 죄수들이 선고에 나타나도록 강요하려고 합니다.]It comes after Zara Aleena's family tell of the pain caused by her murderer not being in court.Zara Aleena의 가족이 그녀의 살인자가 법정에 출두하지 않아 생긴 고통에 대해 이야기한 후에 나옵니다.



Zara Aleena murder: Raab seeks to force convicts to appear at sentencing

It comes after Zara Aleena's family tell of the pain caused by her murderer not being in court.



[Eating turnips could ease vegetable shortage, suggests Coffey ][Coffey는 순무를 먹으면 야채 부족을 완화할 수 있다고 제안합니다.]Cabinet minister says consumers should "cherish" home-grown produce as shops limit sales of some items.내각 장관은 상점들이 일부 품목의 판매를 제한함에 따라 소비자들은 집에서 기른 농산물을 "소중하게" 여겨야 한다고 말했습니다.



Eating turnips could help ease vegetable shortage, suggests Therese Coffey

Cabinet minister says consumers should "cherish" home-grown produce as shops limit sales of some items.



[Keir Starmer unveils Labour's five missions for the country][키어 스타머(Keir Starmer), 국가를 위한 노동당의 5대 임무 공개]The Labour leader vows to give Britain its future back if he wins power, in major policy speech.노동당 대표는 주요 정책 연설에서 그가 집권하면 영국의 미래를 되돌려주겠다고 맹세했습니다.



Keir Starmer unveils Labour's five missions for the country

The Labour leader vows to give Britain its future back if he wins power, in major policy speech.



